Saturday, March 2, 2019

Banner Advertising: How Does It Work?

So you are an internet marketer and you want to make money right? Or maybe you are just somebody with a product or service to sell that is looking for innovative ways to get your stuff in front of more customers eyes and increasing the size of your market share. Either way you have come to the right place to read about an excellent form of advertising called banner advertising that takes advantage of the wave of the future—the internet. The internet allows your market to instantly be any where in the world that there is a computer and that you can then ship your product or provide your service. Now some of the more traditional type services like doctors, plumbers, etc. will be limited by the geography naturally but this is still a great way to advertise in your area as more and more people are getting on the internet daily.

What is banner advertising you say? Well it is an ad that is placed on a website that is not related to the ad but preferably is one that lots of people will hit. It is an ad that usually is in some sort of image file and often contains typical words and pictures as well as animation and sound which are becoming popular “hooking” techniques. The ad is usually short and wide or tall and narrow and this is why it is referred to as a banner. When a customer wants to see more they simply click on the banner and are taken via an embedded link to another page which is typically the sales page. If the product is something that you can purchase online or download it is done through this page. Otherwise it is just more exposure for the advertiser.

Another good question is why would the host website allow the ad to be on their page? Well just like any form of advertising the advertiser pays for time or in this case space. Most often with banner advertising the deal is worked out according to how many clickthroughs happen in a given amount of time. Usually the cost is five to ten cents per click.

How would I get my advertisement on a page? Well again just like other forms of advertising there are many ways to do it. You could personally contact the owner or operator of the site and work out a deal, or you could hire and advertising firm that does all of that work for you. Most often it is this second form that is used and these advertising companies will place the ad on multiple different sites and collect the fees, and paying the site’s owner or operator.

3 Reasons Why The Copy You Hate Will Bring Profits You Love

Every copywriter's nightmare. We write beautiful copy for a client, who takes one look and says, "You can't be serious! This is too sales-y...or too simple...or too different..."

And I'm reminded of the days, many years ago, when I volunteered as a Pet Adoption Counselor with the San Francisco SPCA. Looking back, I must have been training for what I do now. I had lots of enthusiasm. People often teased, “You’re selling cats!” Sure enough, many visitors went up with a crate holding a furry bundle of joy.

Our Volunteer Coordinator kept reminding us, “Don’t judge the visitors. You’re not going home with this person. The adopter who drives you crazy may be the best thing that ever happened to a dog.”


And copy works the same way. We don’t judge our friends the way their dogs and cats do. And we don’t read our copy like our own customers.

I tell my own clients, “You may not like this copy. But you’re not the target market, even if you think you resemble your clients.”

Here are 3 reasons why.

1. Customers live on a different planet.

If you hang around the Internet, you develop a unique lifestyle. For instance, some of my best friends are people I’ve never met. We exchange emails and phone calls for years. My favorite web designer is an American living in Brazil.

And you hear the same promises over and over. “Bring traffic to your website.” “Attract all the clients you can handle.”

But if you’re targeting ordinary people (i.e., those who have actually met their best friends in person), many of our ho-hum phrases will seem fresh and exciting.

“Hype-free marketing? I like that,” purred an earth-dwelling prospect recently. “That’s a whole new way of looking at marketing.”

Your world may not be the Internet. Maybe you live fitness, coaching, cooking, or finance. But chances are your familiar phrases will seem fresh and exciting to your target market.

2. Customers want to be sold.

They know you’re not putting up websites and creating brochures so you’ll feel good and collect gold stars for your Permanent Records.

And if they want your service, they’re looking for reasons to say “yes.” Think of all those Madison Avenue ads with the theme, “You deserve it.” Or, “You’re worth it.” They’re giving us permission to spend our money.

As long as you’re tasteful and – drum roll – meeting their real needs, your customers will actually appreciate learning about what you offer.

Recently I was pitching my services to “Frank,” a prospective client who sells fitness services. Hesitantly, I referred him to a website I’d written for “Tom” – a financial professional who was terrified we were selling way too hard.

Frank was impressed. “This isn’t the least bit pushy. It’s so warm and friendly! Tom sounds like such a nice guy.”

We’re still talking. But when Frank sees his own fitness site, I bet he says, “Um – do you think we’re selling too hard?”

3. Customers don’t want to stop and think.

Some words and phrases slow us down. For some good examples, pick up your college textbooks and maybe a couple of academic journals. You’ll see words like “moreover,” “counterintuitive,” “although,” and more. (I know. I wrote many.)

How did you read your college textbooks? I bet you read slowly, made marginal notes and hung on tight to your yellow highlighter pen.

Alas, website visitors don’t study our copy the same way. We have to help them create highlights and move along fast.

Which gets read more:

(a) “Although you can work very hard, you may not see results for a long time.”

(b) “But you can work really hard and wait forever for results.”

Bottom Line: Expect surprises when you unveil your copy to your clients, especially if you’re new to marketing yourself and your own products. When I first wrote the title Your 21-Day Extreme Career Makeover, I cringed: Was my site becoming the virtual equivalent of a used car lot?

But my target market – professionals and senior executives – started buying. And the rest, as they say, is history

Avoid these advertising mistakes at all costs!

People have taken a number of approaches trying to do their own advertising ranging from silly all the way to insulting. These people choose there approach for various reasons. Some were ignorant about advertising and marketing while others were acting on incorrect information - usually in the form of cliches such as "sex sells." If you're in doubt, I can assure you that unless your business is in Nevada, sex does not sell. If you're going to handle your own advertising, here are a few things to avoid:

Pictures that have nothing to do with your product or service - If your company is in the carpet cleaning business there is no reason to have a picture of a baby. No one is going to say "What a cute baby, I think I want this company to clean my carpets." The same goes for pictures of sexy people (male or female) in provocative poses and little clothing.

Cheesy headlines - I actually saw an ad with a headline that said "We might be able to afford a bigger ad if you'd buy something from us." Yes, this will probably get someone's attention, but do you want to be remembered as the company that is having financial problems?

Illegible fonts - Most people will not take the time to decipher your ad when it is written in brush script, in which case, even the most persuasive copy is rendered useless. You want to use simple, clean fonts for headlines and body copy. Save the artistic fonts for accents and things of that nature.

Avoid Being Vague

We are bombarded with thousands of marketing messages daily…on television and the radio, on the internet, in magazines and newspapers, on billboards and other signs, and even at the bottoms and on the backs of receipts.  The world is, indeed, a very noisy place.  And in order to get heard, we need our marketing messages to be clear and concise. 

A vague message is one that isn't easily understood - it doesn't speak to a potential customer or client.  To be successful in business, our messages must clearly target a specific audience, explaining to them the features and benefits of our product or service.  We need to get the public involved and interested enough to want to have further conversations with us.  Only then do we have the entrée for beginning to develop a relationship with them, the first step in the selling process. 

How can we ensure that our messages are all that they can be?

1.  Define your target market.  One of the best ways to create a clear output is to start with clear inputs.  When it comes to anything you do for your business, you need to be very clear on your target market.  Who do you want to reach with your marketing efforts?  Define them as clearly as possible.  Are they male or female?  What are their ages, their occupations, and their lifestyles?  Why would they want to do business with you?  The more clear you are about who you want to work with, the more clear you will be when crafting your marketing messages.

2.  Market narrowly, but deliver broadly.  Your marketing message should be carefully focused to cater specifically to the needs and wants of your target market.  One might think you'd be passing up opportunities for more customers or clients.  The reality is that more people will be attracted to you if you position yourself as a specialist rather than a generalist.  Folks associate a higher degree of expertise with a specialist, and, more than likely, you'll be able to charge premium prices to reflect this marketing position.  Once you've gotten their attention you can market many things to them (delivery broadly).

3.  Talk about the customer, not yourself.  Your marketing message should speak to the prospect, their particular needs and wants.  What problems can you solve for the customer?  Make a list of the top 10 problems that you solve for others.  These should be the substance and focus of every conversation that you have.  Avoid talking about yourself.  People are interested in what you can do for them - sometimes even more than the specifics of the product or service that you offer.  Your prospects needs and your solutions should be the focus of all of your marketing materials.

4.  Explain the benefits.  Not only should you explain the benefits of your product or service, but you should be able to explain the benefits of working with you.  Features are defined as the distinctive characteristics of a product's use or design.  A benefit, on the other hand, is how the feature will add value to the prospect's life.  Carefully define your features and benefits.  At the same time, what are the benefits of working with you?  Do you provide 24-hour turnaround?  Do you return emails and phone calls promptly?  Do you offer a free introductory consultation?  Do you provide additional value to your customers - extra reports, information or discounts on future purchases?  People buy benefits, not features.  What's in it for them?  Let them know!

5.  Know your products and services.  There is a lot to know when it comes to your products and services.  The more articulate you are in explaining their features and benefits, the higher your chances of closing a sale.  For each product or service you offer, make sure you can clearly articulate the features, the benefits, and the specific client need that is addressed.  Word this information in language that prospects can clearly understand - that relates to who they are as a target market.  Drafting a simple one-page summary of these details can help you to get clear on what matters most. 

6.  Keep it simple.  The best messages are those that are simply said.  People understand simple.  The more complex the explanation, the higher the risk you run that you'll “lose them along the way.”  Again, refer back to the one page summary of your client needs, as well as product or service features and benefits.  Provide information that is easy to understand.  Don't give more information until the client asks for the information.  Always let the prospect guide the conversation.

7.  Use a tagline.  A tagline is a slogan or phrase that conveys something about a feature or benefit of something you offer.  For example, the tagline for Chase Manhattan bank is “The Right Relationship is Everything”.  This slogan clearly communicates that one of the features of working with them is relationship - not just any relationship - but the right relationship.  Another example of a tagline is Alicia Smith: The DISC Ninja.  The DISC Ninja implies skill, precision, and performance.  What type of tagline can best describe you and your business?

8.  Consult your R & D team.  To create on-target marketing messages, run them by your friends, family, and colleagues before you release them to the world.  Creating your own R & D team is a great way to experiment or to try out your ideas in a low-risk environment.  Probably one of the best things to do is to get feedback from your current customers.  They can tell you first hand what works and why.  Never pass up an opportunity to get feedback, as it will help you to fine-tune your marketing message.

9.  Provide clear and clean information.  It should go without saying that you should provide clear, easy-to-understand information.  This applies to everything from your business card to your website.  Make sure you include your complete contact information on everything, including your email signature.  Provide FAQ or Frequently Asked Question sections in brochures, on your website or on other marketing materials.  Make sure that you make it as easy as possible for people to contact you and to do business with you.  If they need to search for how to contact you, they may very well search someone else out.  Along with the times and days you do business, include your business, cellular, and fax numbers, as well as your website and email addresses.  Include instructions on how to return or receive a refund on an item.  Clear and concise is the name of the game.

10.  Understand the customer.  Prospects, and even your current customers, are focused on one thing and one thing only; what's in it for them.  For the most part, they aren't really interested in you or your product or service.  They are interested in benefits.  How can you solve their pain?  How can you resolve their issues?  If you keep this in mind, this will help you to create marketing messages that are focused and really hit their mark.

© Copyright 2004 by Alicia Smith

3 Reasons Why Every Business Needs A Newsletter

There are many benefits you and your business can reap from publishing your own newsletter.

1. Keeping In Touch -- Your customers and clients are the lifeblood of your business. What better way to stay in touch with your existing customers than through a newsletter? A newsletter allows you to add personal touches to your relationship and celebrate milestones, both your own and your client's. In addition to furthering your relationship with your clients, a newsletter can also allow you to introduce new products, offer special sales or discounts to your existing client base, and encourage referrals.

2. Hook In New Customers -- Unless they have an immediate need or came to you through a powerful referral, most potential customers won't buy right away. Often they will shop around and compare which means you will likely never see them again. However if you have a free newsletter that offers interested clients the opportunity to learn more about you, your business, and your products for free and they can also learn more about your interaction with your existing customers. A newsletter can be a very simple strategy to turn a one-time visitor into a lifetime customer.

3. Establish Your Expertise -- No one knows more about your business than you do which makes you an expert. Likely the construction of your own business has further left you with a great deal of expertise in your field. Share your nuggets of knowledge through your newsletter to deepen your relationship with your existing customers and convince potential customers that you are the answer to their problems.

Now that I have convinced you that you need to publish your own newsletter, I want to go over a few questions that budding editors and publishers always ask.

What exactly is an electronic newsletter?

Just like their paper counterparts, electronic newsletters deliver written messages usually relating to a common theme or topic. The main difference is that an electronic newsletter transcends paper and ink and most likely only ever exists on a computer screen.

Some electronic newsletter are delivered only via email while others are delivered only on the web. Most are delivered in some combination of the two. Most of my ezines and newsletters are delivered via email but also available immediately via web page (or rather blog page) and RSS feed.

You can choose the method is most suited to you and your audience.

How do you publish an electronic newsletter?

It is much easier to start publication of your own electronic newsletter than it is to start up a print publication. You simply need to decide on a topic, name your publication and start writing. It is easy to find an audience (beyond your own customer base if you choose) through the various ezine and newsletter directories around the internet as well as going directly to the source, for example discussion boards for people interested in your topic.

You will need to determine a delivery method, which means most likely setting up your own web site or page on your existing web site; creating an archive for your issues once they are created, which could mean setting up a blog; and tracking your readers, which likely means setting up a mailing or autoresponder service. However you can use free tools to do any of these things.

3 Reasons Why Adsense Is Essential For Content Sites

The concept is really simple, if you think about it. The publisher or the webmaster inserts a java script into a certain website. Each time the page is accessed, the java script will pull advertisements from the Adsense program. The ads that are targeted should therefore be related to the content that is contained on the web page serving the ad. If a visitor clicks on an advertisement, the webmaster serving the ad earns a portion of the money that the advertiser is paying the search engine for the click.

The search engine is the one handling all the tracking and payments, providing an easy way for webmasters to display content-sensitive and targeted ads without having the hassle to solicit advertisers, collect funds, monitor the clicks and statistics which could be a time-consuming task in itself. It seems that there is never a shortage of advertisers in the program from which the search engine pulls the Adsense ads. Also webmasters are less concerned by the lack of information search engines are providing and are more focused in making cash from these search engines.

The first reason why Adsense is essential for content sites is because it already has come a long way in understanding the needs of publishers and webmasters. Together with its continuous progression is the appearance of more advanced system that allows full ad customization. Webmasters are given the chance to choose from many different types of text ad formats to better complement their website and fit their webpage layout.

The different formatting enables the site owners the possibility of more click through from visitors who may or may not be aware of what they are clicking on. It can also appeal to the people visiting thus make them take that next step of looking up what it is all about. This way the people behind the Adsense will get their content read and making profit in the process.

The second reason is the ability of the Adsense publishers to track not only how their sites are progressing but also the earnings based on the webmaster-defined channels. The recent improvements in the search engines gives webmasters the capability to monitor how their ads are performing using customizable reports that has the capacity to detail page impressions, clicks and click-through rates. Webmasters and publishers can now track specific ad formats, colours and pages within a website. Trends are also easily spotted.

With the real-time reporting at hand, the effectiveness of the changes made will be assessed quickly. There would be time to sort out the contents that people are making the most clicks on. The ever-changing demands would be met while generating cash for the webmasters and publishers. The more flexible tools are also allowing webmasters to group web pages by URL, domain, ad type or category, which will provide them some accurate insight on which pages, ads and domains are performing best.

The last and final reason is that the advertisers have realized the benefits associated having their ads served on targeted websites. Thus increasing the possibility that a prospective web surfer will have an interest in their product and services. All because of the content and its constant maintenance. As opposed to those who are no using Adsense in their sites, they are given the option of having other people do their content for them, giving them the benefit of having successful and money-generating web sites.

Adsense is all about targeted content, the more targeted your content is, the more target the search engines’ ads will be. There are some web masters and publishers who are focused more on their site contents and how best to maintain them rather than the cash that the ads will generate for them. This is the part where the effectiveness is working its best.

There was a time when people were not yet aware of the money to be achieved from advertisements. The cash generated only came into existence when the webmasters and publishers realized how they can make Adsense be that generator. In those days, the content were the most important factors that is taken quite seriously. It still is. With the allure of money, of course.

Aim High, Fly High with Flyers

Making use of marketing tool like the flyers is an effective way of getting customers attention. An advertising flyer does not simply inform people of your businesses current deals and up coming events but rather it carries your companies name into people’s minds and homes. And thus in designing them, you have to make them attractive for it can be a powerful marketing tool. And with this, a flyer printing company can be your best buddy to work on with your flyer printing projects. The knowledge and expertise that the company has will help you materialize your printing projects.

Flyers are developed and produced using high quality materials and high-tech printing equipments. A full color printing jobs can make them more attractive and compelling that would lead in gaining the attention that you want for your business. A custom design work for your companies’ identity will make your business stand out and highly recognized. Custom printing of flyers gives businesses the chance to create a design of their own and add up special features that they think will make the material more memorable and attractive. Compelling, informative and crisp text contents can lead to persuade your customers. In making a description of your business try to think of a sentence or a phrase that will make your customers’ remember.

Some businesses may spend too much for their campaigns but yet a simple flyer print can valuably spread the message about businesses upcoming events or services. Seeking for a professional help from a flyer printing company to deal with your flyer printing needs is imperative. For this company has the capability to work on with the specified printing requirement you had given. With the right tools and quality material utilized for sure they can come up with what you are expecting.

Why worry about your flyer printing jobs while there is a flyer printing company that can give you the satisfaction you are in need of. Deal with them and for sure you will be able to achieve better results. With flyers as your marketing tool you can aim high and dream high.

Aida And Dagmar - Models For An Advertising Agency

An ad agency or advertising agency is a business or service dedicated to planning, handling and creating advertising for clients. These agencies are independent of clients and provide their skills and views to sell client’s services or products.

Advertising agencies can also manage branding strategies, marketing and sales promotions for its clients.

For an advertising agency, it is very important to realize that they can increase sales with their effort. Truly speaking, advertising agencies are minds working on the other side of the internet to increase sales. For a person working as an advertising agent, it is very important to know about the buyer’s psychology.

Those who are working in an advertising agency should know about the various thought processes that go in the mind of a reader or a viewer, a potential buyer. This will definitely help to build your business better.

There are ample of theories to explain the process that goes in the buyer’s mind when he/she goes to purchase anything.

The process is not the same for each buyer and it is sequential.

One of the popular features followed by ad agencies is AIDA.
AIDA is a acronym stands for:

A – Attention

I – Interest

D – Desire

A – Action

The AIDA model states that advertising agency should know how to draw attention of a buyer to get the customer interested by exhibiting its advantages, benefits and features. Interest is followed by desire. It is advertising agency’s duty to create a desire in a buyer to buy a specific product. All three steps of the AIDA policy will help you to stimulate the action towards the purchase of a product. AIDA theory guides and leads you to build a better advertising business. BIG B’s of advertising world have followed AIDA to generate good advertisement campaigns.

Another model called DAGMAR has now increasingly become more popular and comprehensive than AIDA. DAGMAR steps are more defined and easy to apply.

Term DAGMAR is an acronym for Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results. According to DAGMAR, a sale must carry a potential customer through four stages:

I. Awareness

II. Comprehension

III. Conviction

IV. Action

Suppose you are having a service or product and your customer knows nothing about the product.
As your client is unaware of the product, the first step is to make him aware of your product by posting advertisement regarding your product on respective websites.

Comprehension is the second step of DAGMAR. Try to know the answers to these following questions.
a)What is your product about?
b)What are product’s potential features and benefits of product?
c)What will your customer get from your product? And how?

Answers to all these questions will help you to get a potential customer.

Next stage is conviction and this is very important. Convince your customer by telling him the benefits of your product. After convincing, your next step starts i.e. action, which is not controlled by you. You have to depend on the customer. However, your previous actions will have a major role to play.

If you have been able to convince, the customer ad have answered him satisfactorily and then you will definitely be the winner of the day.

Affordable Advertising Agencies

Low cost internet advertising agencies are the ideal way and most recommended means to make your product or service known and for your web site to earn money. There is such a very huge range of affordable internet advertising agencies that are now found in the Net.

There are various Internet advertising agencies according to the kind of product or service they provide. Here is a list of a few of these kinds of online marketing agencies.

1. Web design agencies

These are focused on building web pages for a website. Many web developers are now offering affordable services if you just know how and where to find them.

2. Logo services

Production of web site logos is the main concern of these agencies. Hundreds of pre-designed logos could be purchased or even customized to complement your website better.

3. Copywriting Agencies

In adjunct to search engine optimization, these agencies provide quality content that targets the attention of the market you intend to tap. Looking for the best deals with copywriting services will be a cinch if you know where to look. If you prefer freelancers, they are often found with their own websites.

4. Search engine optimization companies

These companies analyze and modify websites in order to achieve the highest possible search engine ranking. They improve your website's design and content to better attract more traffic. Link building could also be employed by these e-marketing agencies to benefit your business. They are actually a combination of all the services mentioned above. Sometimes they also go by the name of Internet marketing consultancies or something of that sort.

5. Domain registration companies

Your business's name in the web is the business of these companies. Looking for the best amongst a wide array of these agencies is like looking for a needle in a haystack. But if you are determined enough to do your homework with these marketing services, results would be more than rewarding. Just make sure that you don't register with those whose only intention is to rip off those who can't afford the most reputable domain registration agencies.

These are just a few of the Internet advertising agencies that a web marketing newbie could turn to. Examining your needs first will better your chances in getting in touch with the cream of the crop of these Internet marketing agencies minus the hefty price tag.

Adwords Keyword Research for Beginners

When you embark on your first PPC journey, you need to keep a small number of keywords at first. Keyword lists that are thousands of words long should be left to the more experienced PPC marketer. Ideally, a beginner should use around 100 targeted keywords, anything more will probably prove too cumbersome for you to manipulate. If you can't harness the power of large keyword campaigns, they will suck your bank accounts dry.  There are some very simple free techniques that you can use to find targeted keys words with low competition. One process of finding low competition niche keywords utilizes Google and excel. More specifically you want to use Google's keyword tool, just type this into Google, and it will appear in the search results.

   Upon landing on the main Google keyword tool page, you will find a white box(field) where you want to enter your particular keyword(s). Enter one keyword for now to get an idea of how this works, and press enter. After pressing  enter, you will be directed to a page of keywords that will be closely related to the keyword that you entered. For the purposes of what we want to do, you will need to scroll to the middle of the page where the text Add all 150 is highlighted in blue bold text. Below these words you will see the words download all keywords with text,.csv(for excel) and .csv. You want to click on .csv(for excel). By doing this, you will  export this data into an excel spreadsheet. The data, which only appears as green bars on the main Google page, will be transformed into numeric data that has much more value for you.

   Once the data is in the excel spread sheet, you can begin some simple analysis on it that will benefit your PPC campaign a great deal. In the excel spreadsheet, there are going to be columns of data, A-D. The columns are going to be, from A-D, Keywords, Advertiser competition, the previous month's search volume, and the average search volume.The two columns we are interested in are the advertiser competition and the Average search volume. What we want to do is merge the data from these two columns to give us a number that we can work with. So what we need to do is take a generalized average of these two to get a number which we will compare to a predetermined benchmark. Sounds a little odd, let me explain a bit more completely, and hopefully you will understand. All of these numbers are in decimals on a scale ranging from .00 to 1. The higher the number, the more competition there is(as expressed by the advertiser competition numbers) and the higher the search volume(as expressed by the average search volume). Ideally, we want low competition with a decent search volume to target lower cost high converting keywords. So, to find these keywords we use a general benchmark number that will determine their competition and volume level. If the keywords exceed the benchmark, we leave them be, if they hit right around the benchmark, or fall below it, we want to capture them and include them in our PPC campaign.

   To get our figures, which we are going to compare to a predetermined benchmark, we are going to take an average of the advertiser competition column and the average search volume column. We want to do this for all the keywords that have been exported to the excel file. And the way we do this is by typing in a simple command in excel and copying the command down throughout the related boxes. So to start, we find box E2 which should be blank, this is the first box to the right of the first value in the avg. search volume box. So, within this blank box you want to type=average(D2,B2). This will automatically give you an average of those two numbers in this E column row when you close that last ).Now, to get all the averages for every keyword you simply want to click on that box(E2) and pull down on the box while you hold in right click. The boxes should fill in with color when you drag down to the last box(nothing will be in them yet). Then, when you have filled in the boxes with color up to the last box you want to lift your finger off the right click. When you do this all the averages will appear in the boxes. You basically just copied the function down through the boxes. So now we have all these averages. What do we do with them, what do they tell us?

   Well, a good benchmark average is around .50. This will give us a reasonable competition level with good search volume. So we compare these averages to anything that falls around .50 and below. Anything that goes above .60 we want to avoid to start out with, because it will probably be too expensive to bid on. So now compare all the averages in column E to the predetermined benchmark of .50. Whatever falls below .50 or, .55(to possibly get some more data) we want to keep. Take all the keywords that meet this criteria and copy them into a notepad .txt file. (There are faster ways to do this but they take some learning of excel functions that you may not know yet.)

   So now we want to take these keywords that fell below or right around the benchmark and plug these back into the Google keyword tool and hit enter. Now go back through the entire process that we just did to get the keywords we just plugged into the Google keyword tool. You are going to want to take the average again of the two columns mentioned above, then get all the averages of all the keywords by draggin the first box down, and then compare again to a benchmark of .50 or .55. But now, because we found some more targeted keywords to work with(as a result of the first exporting of data to excel, and taking the averages to compare against the benchmark) we should have more keywords that hit right around the benchmark and below it. This is because we are working with more targeted and hopefully lower competition keywords. We are finding yet more targeted keywords related to the first set we found. This should produce a larger list of keywords that meet our benchmark. So now we can take the words that meet the benchmark here, and we can use these in our targeted PPC campaign. You will want to sort through this list of course, and make sure the keywords are well suited for the particular items that you are selling. This method will get you headed in the right direction for your PPC campaign.

3 Reasons Postcards Are The Best Way To Advertise

When I say postcard, maybe you think of the old fashioned, jagged edged dull pieces of card stock.  Think again!  Today's postcards are vibrant, high-impact creations with clip art so real that it'll jump off the page at you.  And the best thing about them...

1. They're Short and Personal
Let's face it, people just don't have time to sort through a lot of advertisements and junk mail.  If the truth be known, they immediately identify ads and pitch them into the trash without ever slitting the envelope.

Postcards get read!  It's already open, and the message is "in your face" without exerting any effort to absorb it.  Even if the reader isn't trying to read it, he'll get the impact of the short message before he tosses it.

Personal messages have a greater appeal than mass mailings. Postcards keep the old time charm of a personal greeting while implement new high tech marketing strategies... a combination for success.

2. They're Easy And Cost Effective
Hey even the postage for a postcard is cheaper!  Go to your printer and have them print you up several thousand for 7 or 8 cents apiece.  Not too bad!  For about 30 cents you have a cutting edge, high impact marketing tool ready to be put to use.

You don't even have to bother with putting them in the mail.  Many print warehouses will take care of it for you.  Hey, what could be easier?

3.  They Keep Your Marketing Strategy Hidden From Competitors
Do you get tired of spending countless hours agonizing over new marketing strategies, only the have your competitors jump right in and ape your campaign?  Yeah, it's pretty frustrating, but hard to do anything about.  Everything you do is right in front of them shouting "Copy Me."

Postcards are private interactions with the individuals who read them.  It's a one-on-one campaign that lets you keep the results quiet from prying eyes.  Heck, they won't even know what you're doing, much less how to copy it.

There's another sneak tactic that I haven't mentioned yet... using postcards to direct traffic to your Website.  That's right!  Most of us think we need to use Internet marketing tools to drive up our Internet sales.  NOT SO!  That's what everyone else is doing, but think about it.  A postcard with your slogan and visible information that directs the reader to your Website... yeah, let's hope the competition doesn't catch on for quite a while!

There's not another marketing campaign that can guarantee 100 percent readership!  It just makes sense that when more people read your ad, it will be more effective.  Use postcards to market and count on a high response rate!

Advertising Yourself To Friends?

Did you know many of your friends do not know exactly what you do to make your money? It happens more often than you'd like to think to small businesses.

Since people like to do business with friends, it is important you help them to know what you do.

Recognize that you need to educate your friends and acquaintances about your small business. Then they can become some of your best sources of new clients and promote you to others as well.

Right now you have lots of social and business networks of people who know you personally: from your clubs, recreational activities, school activities, religious affiliations, hobby groups and so on.

Your friends and acquaintances know you for the person and character you demonstrate to them in person. Your friendship is of primary importance to them. What you do for a living is secondary.

So it's up to you to tell them about how you can help when they (or others they know) need what you are selling. Your personal colleagues are valued assets to promote both you and your business.

Your goal is to become the "go to" person when your friends need your services.  Instead of the "WIIFM" What's In It For Me formula, you want to get them to ask you "WCYDFM", What Can You Do For Me? In other words, "Can I turn to you for valuable advice to help me solve my problem?"

Sure, your friends may know what type of business you are in. "He has a garage, she owns a consulting service, he is a mortgage broker, she sells real estate" and so on. Sometimes, small businesses can have vague names, which cry out for further explanation.

So it can be quite productive if you simplify and clarify precisely what you do in terms your friends can understand. Tell stories. Give easy-to-understand examples.

You probably already have one or two "elevator" speeches of 10 or 30 seconds explaining what you do. Develop another version suitable for more general use.

When you tell others what you do, use your own personal style of story-telling. Take advantage of impromptu situations, and be sure to use your judgement about when to insert your message into the conversation. 

Make it easy for people to talk about you with others in their own circles of friends and acquaintances. This how to use the multiplier effect: friends tell friends... who tell friends, etc.

In the never-ending quest for new customers and clients for your small business, why not take advantage of personal opportunities right there in front of you every day?

And be sure to learn about their businesses, too. It works both ways!

© 2006 Jon Sinish

This article may be reprinted and distributed as long as the resource information remains intact.

Advertising Techniques - That Your Moma Never Revealed

Okay, a couple of things need to be said before I get down to business.  First, it is important to me that I try to practice what I preach as much as possible.  This is not always the case and for that I am at times unhappy with myself.  With that in mind, I am a person who believes in open communication.  I don’t like hidden agendas.  I also believe in the goodness of people and try to give people the benefit of the doubt.  Also, I believe that in order to believe in people, risks must be taken in order for mutual respect to have an opportunity to grow.  With that in mind I am going to take a risk and hope that no one abuses it, but respects a goal of mine and tries not to undermine it. 

The goal:  I want to invent a word and have it accepted into the Oxford English Dictionary.  There are a few criteria that need to be met to successfully enter a word in the OED, which you can check on for yourself, but I think that I have my strategy and word all ready.  What I’m trusting is that what I’m about to share will not be taken by someone else, thus supplanting a dream I’ve had for a long time.  I’m going to tell you my idea and I hope that you appreciate it, but that it remains my idea to pursue and turn into a reality.

One of the criteria for the OED is that a word with a similar definition does not exist.  Or in other words, there must be need for the word.  That’s tough, but I think I have it.  The English language has no word that means “A person or thing that is one’s least preferred.  A person or thing that is one’s most hated.”  This is essentially the opposite of “favorite”.  We can get the idea across, but we have no single word that encapsulates “most hated” with the efficiency that “favorite” has for “most preferred or loved”.  The word I think can solve this linguistic gap is “malrite”. 

This surprises me, as languages tend to develop words that they need to express.  It seems to me that in the history of English speaking countries there has been enough broad aggression and localized apathy, jealously and maliciousness to have a need to create this word.  But, I began to doubt the need for such a word, until I began looking into online advertising techniques.

Aside from my personal psychotic ranting on online advertising techniques, I wasn’t really sure what the general public felt about the issue and I certainly wasn’t sure if the industry itself gave any consideration to it.  Then I ran across an article headlined “The Most Hated Advertising Techniques”.  Wow, if there ever was reason to recharge my pursuit of “malrite”,  I have found it.  This was an article that looked into a study that examined people’s malrite aspects of online advertising.  But, the whole thing played itself out awkwardly as it lacked an appropriate word to describe the disgust, disdain and hatred felt by the study’s volunteers.  This article indicated to me that the fact of the matter is that in life we all have our favorite and malrite things, and we need to be able to articulate that.

3 Quick And Easy Ways To Build A Profitable Opt In List

You finally realize that you need a good opt-in list. After reading countless articles and sought expert advices and have read many success stories of people creating a small fortune with opt-in lists you finally decide to have one of your own. Then it happens, you think you have known everything there is to know about opt-in lists and have followed their advices to the T and you still weren’t able to make a profit.

In fact, you may be losing money. You maybe hiring writers to help you out, or there are some expenses incurred, even if you have a big list, but only a very small percentage actually buys from you, your still losing profit. You’ll realize that after a few months when you see your statistics and sales figures.

So what could have gone wrong? Why have others succeeded where you have failed? The most common mistake is that you dived straight right in. You chose a topic where you think could be quite popular and would earn you money. This just not the case. Just because you wrote people from the list doesn’t mean they are going to buy instantly.

Here I will offer more advice, for those who have started an opt-in list and have failed, you can rejuvenate your failed venture. For those who are starting, here are three quick and easy ways to build a profitable opt-in list.

1) Get your customers to trust you and your products first. Just launching your opt-in list would not make you an expert and a believable seller. Put many articles first before you start an opt-in list. Write about the topic you know and have started and used for your site. Try to put forums first to gain knowledge about your customers about their wants and needs and target those wants and needs.

Join forums from other sites as well. Provide expert advices and recommendations. When you feel that people trust you already, you will be able to start your own opt-in list. You can build a base as well with other forum users. You can ask them to join your list. Friends are always good customers. Put up a link to your site so that they may be able to see what you're business is all about.

The certain truth is, the money will only come in when the consumers and subscribers believe and trust in you. They want a product or service that could be a good exchange for their money. People are not going to buy something out of your recommendation if they don’t know you.

2) Find a product or service that people want and need. Although it may not be your forte, if you provide a service and product that you have researched and learned about well, you can carry it on forward. Invest your time, effort and money that you could sell as well as the buyers or subscribers of your opt-in list can use.

While it is true that it is best to sell something that you have interest in, there are not many people who have the same interest as you if you decide to sell something that is not entirely popular or profitable. Do your research well and you would see the profits come in. Also provide your subscribers with promotional material that they could actually use and spread around.

3) Make friends with other opt-in list users. This is basically beneficial especially if it is someone who has already launched a successful opt-in list. These are people that have the experience in this venture and experience is still the best teacher. While there are many articles available for you in the internet to use, there is nothing like getting a first hand account from someone you trust.

Experienced opt-in list users will be able to tell you what to do and what not to do because they have gone through it. While different situations occur for different people, the general concept can still be very helpful. There are many things to avoid and these people will be able to tell you which ones.

Building a profitable opt-in list don’t just happen overnight. There are many preparations and effort to do. Opt-in lists are built from scratch, as your list grows, you should also maintain the quality of your list. Keep it organized and manageable. Get or hire help if need be, just make sure that your subscribers are happy and satisfied and they will be willing to buy from you.

Good Luck!


3 Proven Methods For Turning Away Customers and Losing Money

Are you your own worst marketing enemy?  Hey, I'm sure you wouldn't intentionally turn customers away... but we all make mistakes.  In the following article you'll find some tried and true ways to lose sales and kiss your profits goodbye!

1.  Distract Them
You know what I'm talking about.  You've been to Web pages where there were a TON of clickable links.  You start clicking away, get 10 screens open... and yeah, you forget which is the original site and why the heck you were there in the first place!

This one is especially true for Internet marketers.  Let me ask you... how many clickable links are on your Web page?  Don't send your customers to other places before you've made a sale.  Once a prospect heads out for greener pastures, they'll probably never find their way back. 

2.  Give Them An Unpleasant Surprise
You've probably made a purchase, got set to write the check and discovered extra fees that you weren't counting on paying.  No one even mentioned them until you were sitting there with pen in hand.  Maybe it was that vacation package you've been dreaming about for a while.  You're left with a choice... grin and bear it, or walk off without the vacation.

Nothing leaves a bad taste in a customer's mouth like last minute add ons to the price they pay.  Yeah, sometimes they go ahead and go through with the purchase, but next time they'll think twice before they trust you to give them the real scoop on the price... if they ever return. 

Be up front!  Are you planning to charge shipping?  Don't wait until they've already made the purchase.  Let them know right up front.  When they already know it's part of the deal, they won't have a problem with the fees.

3.  Confuse Them

Eenie meenie minie moe...  Have you ever been there... which item is the better buy and the right one for you?  It could be that you walked out without making up your mind, thinking you'd return later.  But now for the biggie...Did you make it back?

Customers who leave without making the purchase are at high risk for changing their minds about making the purchase at all.  That's why it's important to keep the decision as simple as possible.  Make it a "yes" or "no" choice and you've effectively guaranteed they walk out with the item in a bag. 

The marketing place is competitive enough without making things tough on the customer.  These three keys to sending customers away, are keys you'll want to watch out for.  Don't make the mistake of wiping out your own profits.

Advertising Secrets

When I first got into the online advertising business, I was looking for the magical combination that would put my website into the top search engine rankings, catapult me to the forefront of the minds or individuals looking to buy my product, and generally make me rich beyond my wildest dreams!

After succeeding in the business for this long, I'm able to look back on my old self with this kind of thinking and shake my head.

If you're reading this article and you've come this far, you're probably looking for the magic answer yourself. You've probably read a few dozen or a few hundred articles just like this about pay-per-click advertising, maximizing return on investment, keyword stuffing, black-hat seo tactics, text-link banner exchanges, and the list goes on.

Well, I'm here to tell you that I have the one be all end all answer and I'm sharing it with the world!

The truth is that there is no magic secret to online advertising. No one method will generate the largest amount of income/exposure for every website or business imaginable - it's all a matter of trial and error, time and talent.

That's a pretty weak answer, I know. It would have been much cooler for me to tell you that buying tiny classified ads in your local paper was the key to success and riches. Well, I'm sorry. For the few of you that have been down this road before and are starting to get it, you'll hear a ring of truth in my words. The sooner you stop looking for a quick fix to make your message stick, the better.

For what it's worth, these are my thoughts.

1) The internet has only been alive for a few short years, and in that time it has changed dramatically many times over. Remember in 1995 when everyone first discovered the cool little animated envelope .gif that you would click on to send them email? Where was your online bill-pay, instant messaging, and dynamically generated page content then? And only a few short years later you can see how far we've come and use that as a measure for how far we can go.

The point is that the internet, like other forms of media, is a rapidly evolving monster. What works for online advertisers today might be completely ineffectual only a few months from now. That's why the best advertisers are constantly researching and creating their own unique marketing strategies. The trick is to find out what works for you, and to make sure that you revisit it from time to time to tune it up as the market changes.

2) You Have to Spend Money to Make Money.  It's a tired line, but it's that way because everyone says it. Don't be afraid to add fuel to your advertising fire and take it to another level. Try investing (note that I said investing and not spending) five, ten, or fifty thousand dollars in advertising. If you don't jump out a window the first time you do it, you may walk away with a big smile and a little pocket money!

The hard part about investing a big chunk of money is coming up with it in the first place. If you already have $50,000 laying around for advertising and are just looking for a place to put it, give me a call. If you're not that lucky, try looking at the Small Business Administration for ideas on how to get a small business loan.

If you don't want to go farther than your mailbox, examine some of those credit checks your bank keeps sending you in the mail. A lot of people take advantage of their fairly reasonable interest rates to fund projects.

3) Presentation is Key. You'll find that excellent writing skills and good marketing go hand in hand. As you improve on one, the other is bound to follow. Knowing how to write, and how to write well will give you an extraordinary advantage of the majority of individuals vying for your customers' attention. I don't know about you, but I get a lot of spam for people wanting to sell me their "good, cheap, A+ #1 $$$ rolex watch, discount Viagra, H0t s1utz, etc."

Needless to say, I have never purchased anything from them and most likely, neither have you. If you have, please drop me a line and let me know how it worked out. I'm always wondering how many of those are a scam.

The emails and circulars that I do purchase from come from GoDaddy,, Google and a host of other professional companies that take a few minutes to earn my trust with good punctuation, grammar, and quality content.

If you don't have a talent for writing (and you know who you are) you have two choices:

Get better - easier said than done. Like most things, writing is one part talent and nine parts hard work. Take some classes, do peer editing suggestions, or send it to me look over (first ten-thousand submissions only).

Or, get someone else to do it - leaving more time for you at the helm. I like this option not only because it's a time saver for me, but also because the work generally comes out better than anything I could have done. This article is an excellent example. I provided a detailed outline, some good anecdotes, and the strategies above and the copywriters at did the rest. I made a deal with them to write the article for $149 and we share the syndication rights. Not bad for half an hour's work.

If you can't afford to hire a pro, be courteous to yourself and your audience by simply re-reading your work, running a spell check, and letting your wife/husband/friend/co-worker look it over. You'd be surprised at how many things invisible to you will stand out to a fresh set of eyes.

OK. That's all I've got for now. Stay tuned at for more advice on how to get started with online advertising. Please remember though that how far you go is up to you. There is no substitute for your own work and effort in succeeding in this business.

Good Luck!


3 Powerful Tactics That Motivate Customers To Buy

Wooing customers is a little bit like dating.  No, you can't present the engagement ring on your first date!  There's a two-way relationship that grows one step at a time before it leads to the church doors.  You can't rush it... you can't skip it... if you're looking for the satisfaction of a life-long commitment.

Getting to know your date, or getting to know your customer takes a little time and effort.  The personality, likes and dislikes of each date are different, but customers share some commonalities that you, the marketer, can grab onto.  Give them what they want, and they'll become the loyal, life-time customers that make your business prosper.

1.  Forget About Selling... Put The Emphasis On Buying
People like to think that all of their buying decisions were reached due to their own great ideas and skillful shopping.  Hey, no one is fond of a pushy salesman.  A salesman who "HELPS" them discover the best buy for their buck on the other hand, is a hero. 

Really, when a person walks into your place of business, they are most likely thinking of making a purchase before they get there.  You don't have to persuade them to buy.  You can take it easy, and simply help them decide what the best purchase is.

Keep your focus on the customer and his needs.  Think... what benefits would he be most interested in?  What is the price range he can afford?  Basically, keep in mind that you are there to serve his needs, not persuade him.  Ah, the pressure's off!

2.  Make Purchasing  A "Sure Bet"
Buying is a "risky" business.  The higher the price tag reads, the higher the risks are!  Yep, a customer is just looking for a product that satisfies the needs he purchased it for.  The question they ask themselves is... "Is it worth it?"

Hey, it's a legitimate question.  The world is full of scams where you spend your hard earned cash and end up with trash that doesn't last and that you can't get serviced.  A few tough lessons, leave customers wary about off-the-cuff purchases.  They want something they can trust.

A money back guarantee alleviates a great amount of concern in the mind of the consumer.  There's peace in knowing that if the product doesn't live up to its claims, they aren't stuck footing the bill for a piece of junk.

Customer testimonials also clearly tell "would be" buyers that you really do deliver customer satisfaction.  No one can say it better than a satisfied customer, but don't carelessly use testimonials.  You need a method to your madness.  Pick clear and specific testimonials to use, and include as much about the customer as you possible can to lend credence to his testimony.

3.  Let Them Know That It's As Quick and Easy As 1, 2, 3
Simplicy... ah, it makes life so much easier.  Yeah, your harried customers are busy and tired.  They don't want to mess around.  Most of the time, they just want to make the purchase and head home.  Convenience stores testify to the fact that quick and easy often overrides a better price!

Make the buying process as simple as you possibly can.  Remember that not everyone prefers the same method.  The more options you have available, the more customers you will please.

When you're planning your marketing campaign, don't forget to point out the quick, fast, and easy benefits of your product.  Remember that value isn't everything.

It's pretty easy to charm your customers when you know what they like!  Keep these 3 tactics in mind as you go about the daunting task of growing your business and expanding your customer list... and watch your profits go through the roof.

3 Popular Niche Marketing Misconceptions

Specializing in Niche Markets has never been as crucial as it is today. Long gone are the days when you can target general, broad markets and make money from them.

To make money in today's Internet Marketing environment, one must specialize in well defined niche topics.

Lets examine a few misconceptions when it comes to niche marketing.

Misconception #1: You do not have to be an expert in the Niche field you choose!

Everyone says you should only choose a Niche that you are an expert in...nonsense!

The Internet is so impersonal that you can easily appear as an expert and not know anything about that particular niche topic. The key is to appear as an expert. How? You can outsource, build niche sites with no interaction such as blogs, purchase resale rights to an ebook in a particular niche. You see, you can choose to profit from any niche you like.

Misconception #2: Choose one niche market and stick with it.

Not true! Once you establish yourself in one niche and develop a profitable system, choose another one and run with it. You can even choose a pen name if you like, it's common practice to do so.

Niche marketing is a numbers game. Once you find a profitable niche put it on auto-pilot and choose another niche market to get into.

Misconception #3: The best way to make money in the niche game is to promote niche products as an affiliate.

Wrong again! Sure, becoming an affiliate and promoting niche products can be very profitable, but if you are doing this, you're not maximizing your income.

You need to promote your own landing or squeeze page where you collect the e-mail address of the visitor, and then sending him or her to the niche product you are promoting. You should also send out an e-mail course with informative information pertaining to that particular niche market to gain the visitors trust. Since your subscriber now trusts you, you can recommend products in that niche again and again, knowing your recommendation holds a lot of weight.

Those are three popular misconceptions when it comes to niche marketing. Follow the tips above, and you will be more likely to succeed. Remember, it is important to find a profitable niche, set it up so it is on auto-pilot, then move on to the next niche.

Not all niche markets will be a slam dunk, so don't get discouraged.

Even if one out of ten become really profitable, sit down and smile, you've hit the jackpot.

Friday, March 1, 2019

3 Perfectly Effective Ways to Lose Customers

1.  Let Them Procrastinate
Yeah, procrastination has stolen millions of dollars from the pockets of business men and women just like yourself.  The longer it works on the customer, the less likely they will be to open their wallet and hand over the dinero they've been hording there.

Here's how it works… First, the customer leaves your store without making the purchase.  Second, time causes the desire for the product to fade, and distracts them from making their way back.  Finally, your "almost customer" totally forgets about making the purchase, and you can kiss potential profits good-bye.

Don't let it happen to you! Make deals so irresistible they just can't say no, and set an expiration date.  Yes, put a little press on them to buy TODAY!  Reward them for complying, and make sure they forfeit the deal if they don't.  Don't  be victimized by "almost sales" that could be turned into REAL profits!

2.  Stay Off The Top Of Their Priority List
Hey, sometimes we need to be reminded of exactly what is and what isn't important in life.  Where we spend our money indicates its level of importance.  Are your customers telling you that your product isn't significant to them?

Put them where you want them to be with a dramatic word picture that evokes the emotions that drive purchases.  Let me say it this way… If you're trying to sell them a home business… let them feel the freedom of being their own boss, and setting their own schedule.  Are you selling water skis?  Get them on the water in the hot summer sun with the wind blowing their hair and water spraying around them.  Let them FEEL the importance of the decision.

You CAN motivate buyers to put a high priority on your product! 

3.  Don't Build Trust
Do your customers feel confident that your company will provide the services that it says it will?  How many times have you raised an eyebrow at an offer that makes big promises?  Yeah, if you don't already know they are a reputable company, you're likely to take claims with a grain of salt.

Unconditional guarantees give credence to your desire to please customers.  Testimonials are evidence that you have a proven track record.  Put some facts in front of your "almost customers."  Let them know a little bit about you and your staff.  It's always easier to trust a person, than a business.

Internet customers are at especially high risks for feeling a legitimate amount of distrust.  After all, anyone can make grand claims, but who is responsible for upholding them?  A personal photo, a little information, and a phone number where a contact can be reached go a long ways toward building trust on the Web.

How many "almost customers" have slipped through your fingers?  You can effectively turn them into loyal customers who regularly frequent your place of business with the business savvy insights we've talked about in this article. Advertising:

Advertising Pens – Fast And Easy To Apply

There’s not a question that promotional items can be an invaluable way to help market your company, product or service.  However, it’s also safe to say that not all promotional items are of equal value or offer the same marketing power.  The item given away should be wanted by the potential client, not just taken because it’s free, only to be discarded later.  These should be items that people use, preferably on a consistent basis. 

Very few promotional items can compete with the usability of advertising pens.  You have probably used one recently yourself.  Many people feel reluctant to use even the most commonly used items, such as shirts and hats, but pens have been accepted by the general public like none other.

This atmosphere of acceptance and usage presents you with an awesome opportunity to have your logo and company name visible over and over, using repetition to further your advertising goals.  And think about how many times pens are passed between friends and colleagues; this is moving your advertising to further markets.

Another aspect of advertising pens that allows you to advertise the way that you want is the ability to promote your company using anything from incredibly inexpensive pens to fine luxury models for your important customers

Start using one of the most cost effective, as well as advertising effective, promotional items today and get your business the boast that can only come from advertising pens.

3 Must-See Keys For Expanding Your Business

1.  Team Up
No one knows your market like you!  What are the main characteristics of your target audience?  Find someone else out there who isn't a competitor, but who reaches the same class of customers that you do.  Team up with them to do joint promotions!

We all know that two is better than one.  The dramatic end results will be an effective and cost-cutting advertising venture the nets both of you a nice profit. 

I once dealt with a veterinarian who promoted a local dog groomer... who in turn promoted the local veterinarian.  Yeah, it's kind of a "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" set up, but hey it works for both parties.  Think about it... customers are going to feel that the dog groomer is in the know about who the best vet in town is, as well as trust the vet to know who is the best dog groomer in the area.  Sure, it's a win, win situation for both the groomer and the vet.

2.  Dig Out New Niche Markets
Niche markets are everywhere, right under your nose!  Within the customer audience that you serve right now are groups of people who share common traits.  Think about it... maybe you have a goup who speaks Spanish, a group of teens, and a group of middle class family men and women.

Evaluate these classes of people, and discover the unique needs and desires they share.  That will set you up to customize your advertising campaign directly to them.  It's not hard to take your current ads, and make a few changes to adjust to the niches.  They'll be impressed that you understand THEM, and the increase in your profits will be the best thanks you can get.

3.  Hop On The Latest Trends
Get in on the first floor of the latest trend... before your competition becomes aware of it.  Be a leader in the industry!  Hey, Internet marketing is still profitable all around, but businesses who jumped on the band wagon early in the game got the best proceeds for their insight. 

We're not talking about dropping everything and making a mad dash!  Wise marketers add to their already profitable businesses when they see the "new and coming" techniques.  Keep the customers you already have on board, and add to your existing products and services. 

You can quickly and easily strengthen you business and push out the competition by adding new layers to your existing business, teaming up for joint promotions, and discovering new markets to reach. Advertising:

Advertising Outdoors

To a general advertiser outdoor advertising is worthy of consideration. Outdoor advertising is considered as the oldest form of advertising. Posting bills on wooden boards in the late 19th century led to the birth of the term billboard. Today, outdoor advertising includes not only billboards but also car cards in public transportation, displays in airports, ski areas, and sports arenas and in-store displays among others.

Consider this scenario: you were on your way to the office and without even looking at the morning paper you found out that your favorite boutique is opening in the neighborhood. Or you were on your way home from work when you find out that a major company you would love to work for is hiring – and this you knew without even having your own radio on. How did all these happen? Through outdoor advertising. 

Outdoor advertising is very powerful and effective. It has the ability to target consumers quickly and accurately. Likewise, it can create a strong visual impression that reinforces continuity and name recognition, making your overall marketing campaign even more effective. According to studies, more and more consumers are spending time than ever driving or riding in cars and walking in cities. This means that customers are exposed to outdoor advertising more than ever before. Hence, making use of outdoor advertising can significantly increase your chance of attracting more customers.

Designing and creating an outdoor advertising is like creating a visual storytelling. The expression of an idea can surprise viewers with words or excite them with pictures. Humor is a powerful design choice for outdoor advertising. The character of outdoor advertising requires a clear message, a strong brand identity and a fast impact. Outdoor advertising shares many communication characteristics with other media, but it is the differences that truly determine what will be effective design elements for an advertisement.

So what could outdoor advertising do that traditional advertising can’t? Outdoor advertising has better advantage when it comes to a regional or national showing. And outdoor advertising can reinforce the primary message delivered through broadcast or print. Additionally, outdoor advertising requires low active processing because consumers receive its messages when they are in an inactive state of mind. Often, commuters sit idle in their vehicles when outdoor messages are presented so their mood is under stimulated. This is a good opportunity for advertisers because well-presented outdoor designs will grab attention when commuters are deprived of other creative stimulation. 

Thus, keep in mind that impressive advertising is essential for the long-term success of any brand, since advertising works best when an individual consumer learns that a product or service is a good choice for them.

Advertising Options - and the winner is?

Are you chasing search engine traffic and pondering your options? Almost anyone on the internet these days would love to increase traffic to thier website regardless of their "niche".

Clearly search engines have the potential to deliver a steady flow of targeted traffic to your website. Listed below are several suggestions for efficient use of your money when it comes to getting traffic to your website.

Here are 3 basic areas to consider:

1. Placing some key targeted pages on the internet that are SEO'ed to draw traffic back to your primary website.

2. Using Google "pay per click" campaigns with your favorite suite of targeted keywords.

3. Placing carefully targeted content on your website homepage.

If you are working on a limited budget it may be best to consider Options #1 and #3 as your first choices. The pay per click traffic generators can get to be very expensive in a short time, and these will continue to cost you money while each campaign is active.

If your focus is on pay per click, be sure to spend adequate time and effort to research and generate a list of relevant and effective keywords. There are many tools for helping with this task available on the internet and once your campaign is launched you can start to monitor and test your conversions. If you are promoting your own product you can always reinvest your earnings to continue your campaign and grow your income.

Another option for drawing traffic to your website is based on the use of custom written articles and other targeted content. You can use your budget to have some unique articles written on your favorite key topics, but this can be very expensive and time consuming. Articles such as these can be submitted to article directories and published on other content hungry websites.

The best alternative for content may be that of Private Label website resources such and Using these Private Label content services, even on a limited budget, can over time easily provide thousands of articles that can be put to good work in drawing targeted traffic to your website. Imagine hundreds of new articles each month on a topic of your choice...articles that you can use just as if you had written them yourself! And of course PL content can be added directly to your own website or used in a variety of other ways for drawing traffic (blogs, newsletters, etc.).

This is just a glimpse of the power of content and other ways that can be used to draw traffic to your website. Be sure to explore your options and use your time and money wisely in the process.

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3 Must-Have Strategies to Stay on the Cutting Edge

1.  Explore New Advertising Methods
The first sign that you might need to explore new marketing strategies, is a sharp decline in the effectiveness of your advertisment campaign.  Yeah, you shell out a lot of hard earned cash to advertise, and the public turns its nose up!  Don't wait until your profits are plunging to start hunting for new marketing strategies.

Keep searching for the pot of gold.  The whirlwind of change that continuously sweeps through the marketplace offers great opportunity for discovering new advertising mediums. Be on the lookout for one that will set you up for brand new heights of success.

Here's the rule of thumb for advertising:  Keep 80 percent of your advertising budget invested in the "tried and true" methods that bring in a steady flow of profit, and invest 20 percent into the exploration of new ways to get  your message to potential customers.

2.  Be On The Lookout For New Markets
Be alert! Diversification is the key to staying on the cutting edge of an everchanging marketplace.  You'll be insulating yourself against the effects of these changes by continuously changing as well.  And hey... you never know when a brand new market will translate into millions of dollars in sales! 

You don't have to go out on a limb to reach new markets.  There are marketing niches within the market you are currently dealing with.  Think of it like this...your market can be subdivided into several narrowly defined markets.  A Multi Level Marketing company may notice that many of its prospects are stay-at-home moms and retirees.  Hey a few advertisments directed at the right people...two additional Web pages targeting stay-at-home moms and retirees linked to their home page...and they've effectively customized their markets and are likely to see a 20 percent increase in sales.

3.  Invest In New Products or Services
Have you noticed a continuously progressing slump in the sales and profits of a product or service you currently offer?  It's no sweat if you have other products and services to fill the gap.  Keep a sharp eye out for new products and services that complement what you already have to offer.

A bridal shop owner may have a humming business that sells gowns and veils, but what about tuxedos?  Wouldn't it be easier for the wedding party to get everything in one place?  Tuxedos aren't just for weddings...proms and parties call for bow ties and tails as well.  The potential is expansive.

Yeah, you don't have to be intimidated by clever competition and new technology when you stay on the edge, and make changes with it.  Try these 3 strategies to keep you sales numbers vibrant and climbing!

3 Marketing Tactics That Will Send Your Sales Through The Roof

When the tide comes in, all boats in the harbor go up... the tough part is figuring out how to bring the tide in.  Booming economies come and go and bring surges of profit increases,  then ebb to leave behind shortages and tough times.  Regardless, there are some business that just seem to weather the tough times with grace, not really affected by recessions.  It's almost as though they have a secret source... maybe they do... customers.

Hey, customers always buy... in the good times and in the bad times.  They still have needs and still make purchases.  When you understand their needs and wants, you have the keys to keeping your business afloat when others are grounded.  Implement these three tactics successful marketers use, and you're set for success.

1.  Just One
Customers can be like a two year old in a candy store... they want it all.  Yeah, sometimes it's hard to make up your mind about what you really do want when everything looks so good.  That's why it pays to promote one product over the others.  It spells out loud and clear... I'M THE BEST DEAL.  That will be the deciding factor in most cases.

2.  Make Them Feel Good
Customers buy because they want to enjoy the benefits of the purchase.  A lady might buy a dress because she wants to feel sexy, or a man will buy a saw because he finds pleasure in creating things.  Emotions are the key element that drives purchases.

Use word pictures to stir up the emotions that will instigate the sale.  Let them "feel" the benefits, and they'll be more apt to head for the cash register.  Put them where you want them.

Selling a riding mower?  ... the birds are singing, Easter lilies are blooming and kids are flying kites in the wind... spring has arrived.  Yep, it's time to get out that mower and fuel it up for the summer ahead.  How many springs have come and gone since you promised yourself a riding mower? ... It's not hard to paint mental pictures that whet their appetite for the product you are advertising.

3.  Make Contact
Following up with a customer who didn't buy can be the determining factor between and "almost sale" and a satisfied, loyal customer.  Simply contact them afterwards and let them know the product is still available or offer them further information they may find valuable.

Internet marketers can offer free newsletters or reports that consumers find useful and marketers find profitable.  Not only do you keep your product in front of the customer on a regular basis, you get email information to stay in contact.  Both parties win!

Advertising On Celebrity Fan Sites

Online advertising isn’t quite the same as advertising anywhere else. On the web, ads are everywhere. In fact it is safe to say that the Internet is one gigantic billboard.

Online advertising also differs from regular advertising in that glitzy, gimmicky logos or images or even taglines don’t cut it. Usually, the people who use the Internet are looking for specific items of information and just tune out the various gimmicks that companies use for their commercials.

This may be because when the net was young and still mostly dial-up, the ads were banner types which were pretty but really heavy. Though broadband has now replaced dial-up, Internet users prefer ads that are light and easy and preferably unobtrusive to their research.

What is the same, whether you advertise online or offline is that people connect with people. In general, they respond better to ads that appeal to their values or feature something they can relate to. They relate better to commercials that feature people.

For example, if your product is about health care, they are more likely to respond to a doctor than to anyone else. If your product is about basketball shoes, they are more likely to respond to a basketball player. Basically, you choose a spokesperson that your prospective buyers will believe or listen to. The only exception to this rule seems to be celebrities. For some reason, people will believe almost anything celebrities say, whether or not they themselves are suited for the product or not.

Now, hiring a celebrity to endorse your product can be a really expensive thing. Most celebrities charge high, after all you are trying to ride on to their popularity. Their manager will make sure that they get the most out of being your commercial model.

Unlike regular advertising, however, there is a way to cash in on the popularity of celebrities without having to pay an exorbitant rate. They are called celebrity fan sites. These are sites about a celebrity that may or may not be owned or maintained by the celebrity who is featured. Usually these sites are run by a fan of the celebrity, hence the term celebrity fan site.

Here is a truth that artists who last long in the industry know. The fans control their world. The acceptance of the public of their image, their composition, their design, their performance determines how much money they will earn.

The fans are also the ones who search the Internet the most about information about their favorite, and some not so favorite celebrities. Celebrities are among the highest searched items on the net. Over 40 million queries about them are made a day.

Thanks to search engines, these celebrity fan sites get quite a bit of exposure. They talk about their favorite singer, actor, model, or athlete. They have interesting information that attracts even more fans of their favorite star.

That’s a lot of traffic that businesses can utilize. All the companies need to figure out is which ones of the many celebrities will their target group be likely to visit. This will help you get the necessary exposure that your product needs.

One way to look at it is as sponsorship. A lot of TV shows or segments are sponsored by various companies. They allow these TV shows or segments to stay on the air. In exchange, these shows flash their logos of their sponsors during commercial breaks.

Online advertising has an advantage here. Unlike TV where the sponsor has to wait for their commercial spot, online advertisers have their ads constantly on the page on specified areas. Visitors can see them all the time as they surf the celebrity fan site. Depending on the agreement, some sites will even allow the advertiser to have their ads on various pages of the site, so no matter where they travel on the actual site, they still see your product on display in a prominent area.

Putting an online ad on celebrity fan sites is a lot less expensive than paying for airtime on television. The cost is a lot lower and you get more exposure since you are not limited to just your national public. Keep in mind that the Internet is on a global scale.

These celebrities have fans all across the world. The celebrity fan sites, being on the net, have a global reach. If your business caters to the international market here is another reason why you may want to place your ad on a celebrity fan site.

People like to be in touch with people. They like to know what’s going on with their favorites. So of course, they will look up news on their idols and voila! When they visit the sites about their favorite star, there’s your ad. Isn’t that great exposure?

People often idolize celebrities because they see something in these people that they would someday like to achieve, whether it is a physical, mental, social or maybe just a financial thing. They long to be as beautiful or as smart or as attractive to the opposite sex. Some may just long to be as fit or as skilled an athlete. Whichever aspect it is that they admire in these stars, if your product is something that can help them come close to achieving that goal, they may just click on your ad.

You will need to do some research to find the best celebrity fan site on which to place your ad. You do want to get the most for your money and there are hundreds of celebrity fan sites out there. You are looking for the one that attracts the most number of fans who are also part of your target market.

If you find the celebrity fan site you like, make sure to check out the contact details of the site owner right away. Most of them will have a link on their site marked as “contact us”. Once you get in touch with them, you just need to negotiate for a prime spot on their site. Don’t wait too long! Other businesses want that spot.

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Advertising Internet Online Opportunities To Explore

The collapse of the online-advertising market in 2001 made marketing on the Internet seem even less compelling.  Website usability, press releases, online media buys, podcasts, mobile marketing and more - there's an entire world of internet advertising opportunities to explore.  We specialize in internet marketing strategy, online advertising, web marketing and conversion.  Learn about the latest business trends in Internet marketing, search engine marketing, e-commerce marketing, online advertising, branding marketing and interactive media.  We believe more and more online advertisers are turning to performance-based advertising to fulfill their Internet marketing objectives.  Marketing on the internet requires that one be found using keyword searches or some form of online advertising. 

  Providing services for web site design, hosting, online shopping, databases, flash, streaming video, web site maintenance, search engine optimization, local internet advertising, and more.  We specialize in internet marketing strategy, online advertising, web marketing and conversion.  You want an internet advertising company to be aware of your business and the competitive nature of your market place whilst advertising online.  The online advertising market is competitive enough to find a similar deal elsewhere for your internet advertiusing solutions.

  The collapse of the online-advertising market in 2001 made marketing on the Internet seem even less compelling.  Provider of online radio station services, e-mail, Internet advertising, business directory search, e-commerce services and Internet community services.  Learn about the latest business trends in Internet marketing, search engine marketing, e-commerce marketing, online advertising, branding marketing and interactive media.  Investigate the cost of your online internet advertising with the ready-reckoner, below.

  Cost per click internet advertising comes in various forms online such as advertising with sponsored links, recommended links etc.  casino gambling internet online uk Internet online result sea advertising gambling internet.  Planning an effective Internet/online advertising strategy with an online advertising firm with professional experience will render the best results for any online business.

  Website usability, press releases, online media buys, podcasts, mobile marketing and more - there's an entire world of internet advertising opportunities to explore. is a four year old online advertising network which consists thousands of specialized websites in providing unique target internet traffic.  Marketing on the internet requires that one be found using keyword searches or some form of online advertising.  NON-COMPLIANCE The FTC periodically joins with other law enforcement agencies to monitor the Internet for  potentially false or deceptive online advertising claims.

  This foray into online internet advertising is an experiment, not my life work.  We believe more and more online advertisers are turning to performance-based advertising to fulfill their Internet marketing objectives.  Well, they all fall under the gamut of online internet advertising.  Bargain for the internet advertising promotion or find other forms of advertising online for your website.  This makes the Internet rather unique, because in most other mediums, advertising cannot be tracked like it is online.  to drive quality, targeted candidates to their online job postings via Internet recruitment advertising campaigns. Advertising

Advertising in Concessions

As is true with any business, advertising in the food concession business is extremely important in order to get the word out that a new business has come to town. However, while it is very important to utilize advertising when you are in any industry, it is even more important to use it in the concession business. Food concession businesses are working at an uphill climb as far as advertising goes. You don’t have a fixed building. No matter how permanent your location may seem you don’t have an absolutely permanent location. There are many different obstacles. However, if you use advertising, you can really make a difference in the number of customers you have. There are different types of advertising. There is word of mouth advertising, print advertising, and tv and radio commercial advertising.

One of the best types of advertising is word-of-mouth advertising. The reason this is one of the best is because you don’t do it. For one thing, it’s coming straight from the mouths of your already customers to the ears of your potential customers. Secondly it’s free. You don’t have to pay for this type of advertising and it is one of the most powerful types of advertising there is. By having great food, great customer service and great value, you can be sure to get this type of advertising. Be careful that you have all of these things because advertising works in both ways if a customer is dissatisfied. Most of the time, advertising is even worse if it’s negative because it spreads faster.

Another type of advertising is print ads. These are becoming more and more obsolete with the ever increasing popularity of the tv, radio, and internet. Some types of print advertising are flyers, business cards, and mail outs. These can all be varying prices ranging from fairly plain and simple to decked out with color copies. Either way you go try to make a lasting memorable impression. The down side to this is that flyers and mail outs can be considered to be very annoying junk mail. You do not want to alienate your customers by making them angry that you sent them a flyer. This is just something you should consider before you choose your form of advertisement.

Finally we have radio and television commercials. These are great ways to advertise but can be costly. The reason they are so great is because they let you see and hear the advertisement. Something is much more likely to get stuck in people’s minds when it is both seen and heard rather than just read. There is a downside to this, however it is not as negative as that of the print advertising. The down side of the tv or radio commercial is that people get annoyed because there are so many commercials. The thing that gets you around this as a business is that they have learned to accept that there are commercials that must be run for the tv show or radio show to stay on the air. Another downside however that is a little more detrimental is the increased popularity of DVR, a recorder for the tv that causes people to be able to fast forward through the commercials.

All of these types of advertising have problems of their own. So, before you choose the type of advertising you are going to use, make sure you have thought long and hard about what drawbacks you are willing to accept and which ones you aren’t. These choices are going to be based largely on the type of advertising budget you have. While there are drawbacks, advertising is necessary to flourish as a business.

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