Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Review of TOP 4 Automated Stock Trading Software

Isn't everybody's ideal job one in which they make money while they sleep so that the day is free to live life as you please?

Thanks to automated stock trading software I can now do whatever I want by day and by night because my stock portfolio is left in the hands of software running 100% on autopilot. Right now you're probably thinking I'm crazy to be trusting software with my money and I thought the idea was crazy until I tested it out for myself.

I scoured the internet for the last three years searching for the most profitable and reliable automated stock trading software I could find and created the list below to help others who are interested in making easy money.

I have tried and tested over 20 different software packages which claim 100% automation, some of them made me money, some of them lost me money and some of them would not even install properly on my computer.

The top 4 programs below are ordered by how much money I have made from the software (after subtracting the cost of the software itself), the amount of time it took to make me money and the reliability of the software i.e. the ratio of profitable share purchases to unprofitable.

NOTE: You can find the links to purchase each software package at the end of this article.

1. FAP Turbo

A Forex Robot That Is Capable Of Doubling Your Money Every Single Month

I was told in the instructions to "set and forget" and that's exactly what I did. I started small with just $100 in my account for the software to play with but after just 3 hours that $100 had turned itself into $118 and in just over 2 months my $100 had blossomed into just over $370 all by itself.

It has now been 5 months since I started using this software and it has just over 3000 trades with 92.4% of them being profitable, remarkable!

This software is 100% automated and absolutely no knowledge of stock trading is required. The software costs a one-off payment of $149 and is also backed by a 60 day 100% money back guarantee.

    Have been using for: 5 months
    Cost of software: $149
    Invested: $100
    Earned: $1,400+

2. Forex MegaDroid Robot

Turn $1 Into $4 In EVERY Market Condition

The Forex MegaDroid is one of the first pieces of software I tested. I have been using it for just over two-and-a-half years now. One of the biggest selling points for this software is its ability to turn a profit in any market condition. I can verify that this is totally true, in fact the market crash during the Global Economic Crisis was the most profitable time to be using this software. Up until the G.E.C. I had only made a small profit (somewhere between $50 and $60) but when the value of stocks plummeted all over the world this software knew exactly which shares to buy and hold on to until the market regained control.

This software has earned me between $900 and $950 since the G.E.C. and just like FAP Turbo this software is 100% automated and absolutely no knowledge of stock trading is required. The software costs a one-off payment of $97 and is also backed by a 60 day 100% money back guarantee.

    Have been using for: 19 months
    Cost of software: $97
    Invested: $100
    Earned: $1,000+

3. Forex Monster
Make a huge profit in a VOLATILE market

While FAP Turbo is designed with a steady market in mind and The Forex MegaDroid is designed to work in any market condition, the Forex Monster is designed specifically for use in volatile markets such as what we have experienced in 2009.

I purchased this software about a year ago and had it sitting on my computer for about 3 months when a friend of mine sent me a link to the website in an email with a note saying "now's the time to use this one". Stupidly, I forgot I had already purchased this program so I bought it a second time and started trading right away. While there is an option to do paper trading (trading without using real money) I took a gamble and gave the software $100 in my Forex account to play with.

In the 8 months I have been using this software that $100 has turned into $850 on autopilot.

    Have been using for: 8 months
    Cost of software: $67
    Invested: $100
    Earned: $850+

4. Stock Assault 2.0

This software can return 1,300% annually!

Stock Assault 2.0 has selected the most high-profiting shares compared to any other software I have used. This software is not 100% automated but it is 100% idiot-proof... it picks a share for you once every few days, tells you went to buy and when to sell but it is up to you to purchase the share through an online broker.

I have to say that after using Stock Assault 2.0 for 4 months I have acted upon 25 picks and ALL of them have been profitable. The only reason this scores 4 stars and not 5 is the fact that it's about 95% automated.

    Have been using for: 4 months
    Cost of software: $57
    Invested: $100
    Earned: $400+

By Jacob Thomas,
Active Day Trader

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jacob_M_Thomas/379243

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