Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Advertising Ideas To Get Your Mind Bubbling

There are a couple of truths that seem to apply to many small businesses, especially ones that are also newly established.  One of them is that budgets do not allow for all ideas to be implemented.  Another is that advertising is necessary.  A quick look over these two statements will result in a belief that they are contradictory factors of a business if they are both true.  That is unfortunately a misconception held by many new business owners.  As we all know the majority of new business to not make it past their second year in business. 

One of the factors that can assist in the difficulties of establishing a new, small business is the belief that important money to sustain the business cannot be spent on advertising.  The allocation of money to advertising usually has a very low priority in a small businesses budget.  This is a mistake, advertising is necessary, but there are a number of ways that it can be done in a cost effective manner.

First on a businesses list should be the largest yellow pages ad they are able to afford.  Although the phone book is an old form of advertising with the importance that the internet is taking on, this is still one of the first things potential clients do when looking for a business or product.

Other print advertising ideas can be done with newspaper advertising.  Local papers can get your geographic region narrowed in on.  This is especially important given that the majority of small business clients come from a 3 to 5 mile radius.  Also, papers can be good because they frequently have specialized advertising sections, which will be read by just the people you want.  Local business groups also create special advertising sections that can be a great advertising idea and cost effective too.

Other ideas might look into specialized magazine advertising, using vehicle graphics and using the billing and other mailing necessities you have to further promote upcoming events and specials.  There are a lot of ways out there that offer advertising idea possibilities, but the one thing that must be adhered to is that you must do something.

Earn some extra cash with advertising
Spread the word about Worldcenter Advertising Network and earn money, we pay 10% for every campaign income that you generate! Publisher earn 50% of the advertising income generated. http://admarket.sale/?rid=4

3 High-Impact Fixes For Your Marketing Woes

How many times has your competitor gotten one over on you?  The feeling of being left behind just eats away, until you do something about.  The problem is that we often feel that we've got to come up with some grand plan in order to get our business skyrocketing again.  Don't be fooled!  Getting back on top of the market isn't as tough as it seems with these high-impact, easy-to-use fixes.

1. The Magic Number - 1
Implement a "advertise 1 item at a time" motto for your advertising strategy.  Does that mean you can't SELL more than one item at a time?  No... but wait until AFTER the sale.

When a customer sees more than one of a product offered at unbelievably low prices, he's confused.  Which one is the better deal?  Which one does he prefer?  These questions encourage procrastination - one of marketing's greatest thieves.  Instead, offer the consumer a product that compliments his purchase in a nearby display... or even at the register.  You'll make extra profits instead of losing a sale.

2. Outsmart Your Competitors
Your competition is looking for you in all of the usual places.  Don't go there.  Quietly look for new methods of advertising and new markets to target. 

Niche markets provide the perfect sneak tactic for reaching new clients.  Here's they key... sub-divide your current market into smaller, more specific niche markets.  Familiarize yourself with the needs and concerns of the niche, then present yourself as the pro in their corner.  Leave your competition in the dust with the intensity of new prospects that will come your way.

Modernize an old marketing technique that still carries a wallop - postcards.  Yeah, these small, inexpensive marketing tools still carry a personal message that is quick and easy to read, but with new high-impact colors and designs that capture the attention of readers.  Your competition won't even know that you're using them!

3. Encourage Communication
Communication is crucial to understanding your consumers.  Encourage questions before the sale, during the sale and after the sale.  Make it easy and comfortable.

Provide convenient contact information on all of your sales materials, including Websites.  If you find yourself overloaded with questions, create a frequently asked question page where clients can get the answers they need without claiming as much of your time.

Confused customers, tough competitors and communication mishaps won't steal profits from your account when you fix things up with the 3 quick tips.

Advertising Gold - Extreme Benefits Extraction For E-Authors

Once a cherished project such as your first ebook or ecourse has been completed, we need to turn our attention to the marketing of your project.

Here's where things sometimes turn somewhat difficult if the author and the marketeer are one and the same person, and here's where we have to be cautious and take the right steps in the right order, so we might stay on track.

In order to write ANY form of marketing material for your ebook or course, you need to be completely FAMILIAR with all the benefits of your product.

Now it seems obvious that the author, of all people, SHOULD be familiar with the benefits but there is such a thing as over-familiarity, as well as having been immersed in the project for a long time and thus not seeing the proverbial forest for the trees any longer.

I was assisting just such an ebook author and absolute AUTHORITY on writing their major sales page the other day, and I was astonished that they couldn't answer certain basic questions I put to them, such as:

"How many chapters are there in your book?"

"How many pages does your book have?"

"How many illustrations?"

"How many words?"

"What's the ISBN?"

The answer was always something along the lines of, "Ahm ... I guess I could look it up ..."


These are the kind of "technical details" that are handled in a publishing house by "other people" - but of course, in web publishing they need to be known EXACTLY by the author, because these things comprise the "technical specifications" of the product and a prospective purchaser might well enquire or need to know up front before they make their buying decision.

But that's just an example and in a way, it is the tip of the iceberg.

What became very apparent was that the author in question had missed out on the first step of ANY marketing analysis.

This important step, which is the core topic of this article, is ESSENTIAL to be able to write any form of advertising copy, to target the correct audiences with the correct approach and to market the product, full stop.

This first step is called "the benefits extraction".

*** How To Do The Benefits Extraction ***

You need a printed out copy of your book or course, PLENTY of empty pieces of paper, a big pot of coffee and then, you take off your author's hat and instead, you put on your marketing hat and go through the text, ONE PARAGRAPH AT A TIME, and "extract" ALL the benefits that could possibly accrue for the reader/user/learner AND all they come into contact with *if they follow the advice and procedures outlined* exactly.

There is a HUGE range of potential benefits that can and will be found in this process, and even before we get into the text and content itself, there's also benefits such as:

Good sized print - easy to read for older people, avoid headaches!

Good use of white space - easy on the eye, relaxing reading

Well structured - information flow is logical, and thus easy to understand and learn

Fully indexed - things are easy to find, you can quickly get to what you need to know.

Helpful diagrams and illustrations - pictures say more than a thousand words ...

... and so on.

Once you get into the content, you will notice that sometimes, a single sentence or paragraph hides a MAJOR benefit, such as:

"The SINGLE little known SECRET to all your marketing problems!" (Page 23)

Take your time and keep backing up and asking yourself over and over again, "What BENEFITS will the reader/user get from this?"

Immediately, short term, long term?

Don't stop with things like,

"Reader will learn how to use the snarkometer ..."

That's not a benefit.

A benefit is what happens WHEN you use a snarkometer as its creator designed it to be used - so the benefit might be:

"Reader will be able to capture even well hidden, rare and elusive snarks."

From there, you can go on to further future benefits, such as:

"Reader will become famous and rich from his snark sales."

That's the point, after all!

*** Sorting Out Your Benefits ***

If you do this properly, you will find HUNDREDS of benefits, big and small, and for all sorts of different applications, situations and people, and from all sorts of different angles, in ANY decent ebook or ecourse.

You will have them all written down, as they come, with the referencing page numbers on your many sheets of paper.

Now it's time to sort them out.

Firstly, go through your list and find the MAJOR benefits that would make the best HEADLINES and major bonus lists.

As soon as you've got those, your advertising and marketing falls into place because now you know WHAT IT IS THAT YOU ARE SELLING!

"Deep down", of course you knew that all along but it's extraordinary how "deep down" this stuff often is and how hard one has to dig to get it out of the authors to bring it to the surface!

Pick out the top ten benefits and transfer them to a new sheet of paper.

Now, pick the next 20 or so which will become benefits in lists on pitch pages, or will be laid end-to-end in classifieds and sales letters.

Finally, take all the rest and sort them out in any way you want.

You might find that a particular market emerges that you hadn't thought about before with their OWN benefits list that is quite separate from the general main benefits, and where you can then market your product accordingly.

You might well find material amongst those benefits that you can use to write articles or engage in customer "education" - explain how and why these benefits arise in separate articles so they get to appreciate what you do and how VALUABLE your product really is.

You will find ideas, headlines, tag lines, and pure advertising GOLD COPY in this benefits extraction and analysis.

And once you are done, NOW you are ready to write REAL advertisements of all kinds - and you'll find that now you ACTUALLY KNOW what your product is from the marketer's standpoint, you'll also be able to SELL IT TO OTHERS.

Oh, and one more thing.

A benefits extraction is also possibly one of THE most motivational and exciting things any author or creator can do for THEMSELVES.

Yup, it's all true. It really is THAT good, and it REALLY has all those benefits!

It'll do the world for your self confidence AND for YOUR ability to start shouting about the amazing benefits of YOUR amazing product from the rooftops - and that in turn, leads to a whole lot more sales, more money in the bank, more joy and freedom and love all around!

So if you have not yet done your word-by-word extreme benefits extraction, go for it NOW.

It is absolutely THE FIRST STEP to ALL future marketing.

Good luck and surprise blessings,


Silvia Hartmann

3 Foolproof Ways To Outsmart Your Competition

Let's face it...competition is here to stay.  There will always be someone waiting in the wings to woo your customers away from you and into their realm.  Yeah, you're always going to have to be on the lookout for new ways to outdo the competition, but there are 3 ways you can minimize the impact they have on your business.

1. Implement Unconventional Marketing Strategies
Standing out from the crowd is sometimes hard to do with so many businesses mimicking the marketing campaigns of their competitors.  Sure, we all want to be successful, and when we see others using a method and prospering there's an urge to jump on the band wagon and enjoy the same success.

Rather than joining the pack, look for ways to advertise that no one else is using. Internet marketing is a good example.  Most Internet marketers use ...you guessed it the Internet to market their products.  Why not get high impact postcards printed and use them to direct people to your Website?  Hey, no one else is doing it!

2. Discover Hidden Markets
Your competitors are missing out on something!  Dig around until you discover what it is, and get a corner on that market niche.  Once you've discovered your secret gold mine, revise your sales copy, and Website to address the specific market you've uncovered.

If you're a Multi Level Marketing representative you might want to consider the following niches.

"    Employees:  The freedom that comes with being your own boss is a dream that many employees hope for, but never experience.  Go ahead...let them know that dreams do come true...there's an opportunity to be their own boss waiting just for them.
"    Stay-at-home Moms:  Most stay at home Moms are sacrificing finances for the well-being of their children.  They would jump at the chance to raise their children and make a little money too.
"    Retirees:  What does the future hold for someone looking at retirement?  It could be that there is a lot of spark, and dreams still pulsing inside...and now...they'll have the time to invest their long time dreams!

3. Become the Expert
We all respect the opinions and insight of someone who really knows a subject inside and out.  Yeah, take the time to research, get to know all of the ins and outs of your product...then emphasize it in your marketing campaign.  True knowledge can't be aped.  Consumers will know who the expert is. 

You don't have to put all of your eggs in one basket to zero in on one product, but you can emphasize your expertise in one area.  Remember that people often expect to pay more for expert advice! You may want to raise your price a little bit, get testimonials, and find another expert to endorse you. 

You don't have to let the competition get one over on you when you position yourself for success!

Buy Quality Targeted Website Traffic  - Desktop & Mobile 


3 Effective Tactics Every Business Should Implement

Do you remember your first day as a business owner?  You were probably just like the rest of us... pretty darned happy and bit on the proud side.  Yeah, back then we thought we could conquer the world.  Now we're too busy conquering our own little corner of the world to pay a lot of attention to the rest of the world... unless it's to learn a few tips from successful marketers just like us who have made it big.  Tips just like these... that will apply to every market - regardless of the product or service - are a great motivators to try something new.  Yeah, you never know when the next idea will be worth a million dollars!

1.  Create  a Special Offer
A special offer is exactly that... an offer that is special.  Normally, customers would not be able to purchase this product or combination of products, and once the products are gone... sorry! 

You don't have to go out and order a bunch of new products to put together a special offer.  It don't take a whole lot... just use what you've got.  Grab a few items that are related, group them together, discount the price, and your customers will be excited to be getting a good deal.  Think about it from your standpoint... you've sold three or four items rather than one.  Yeah, combination offers are winning deals for everyone!

2.  Address the Small Customer Groups
Niche markets are everywhere, right under your nose!  Within the customer audience that you serve right now are groups of people who share common traits.  Think about it... maybe you have a group who speaks Spanish, a group of teens, and a group of middle class family men and women.

Evaluate these classes of people, and discover the unique needs and desires they share.  That will set you up to customize your advertising campaign directly to them.  It's not hard to take your current ads, and make a few changes to adjust to the niches.  They'll be impressed that you understand THEM, and the increase in your profits will be the best thanks you can get.

3.  Set Up a Winning Referral Program
Successful marketers develop the ability to turn their customers into advocates.  Often, they don't even have to directly ask customers to refer them to others.  Their willingness to go the extra wins customer loyalty and support.  Naturally, satisfied customers refer their friends and family to the place that will take good care of them.

Quality service and is the first step toward referrals, but you can easily take it one step further.  Studies show that every satisfied customer tells three people about you.  What would happen with a little incentive added to the picture?  Yeah, a lot more.  Give customers who refer friends a thank you - whether it's a discount, special gift item, or a simple thank you card - and watch the referrals spiral!
You can get two birds with one stone by implimenting customer surveys.  A few quick questions about what the customer does and doesn't like about your product, followed by a request for the names and addresses of friends and family who would benefit from the product, and you're all set to go with the contact information of a prospective customer!


Earn some extra cash with advertising
Spread the word about Worldcenter Advertising Network and earn money, we pay 10% for every campaign income that you generate! Publisher earn 50% of the advertising income generated. http://admarket.sale/?rid=4

Advertising Door Hanger Can Help New Business Down The Street

Metro Hanger Advertising media is placed on home mailboxes, doorknobs, plus cars, apartment buildings, bikes, and other consumer connection points.    Metro Hanger Advertising can consist of straightforward paper door hangers, plastic bag door hangers, and/or custom shaped door hangers.  Our goal is to provide the Colorado small business owner with high quality, high impact, low cost door hanger advertising.  We also will give you available advertising templates for ads, postcards, door hangers and flyers at no cost.    Door hanger advertising can help announce to everyone in your area that you're the .

  Years ago, I started collecting junk mail and advertising gimmicks: door hangers, table top tent cards from restaurants, all kinds of direct mail especially letters.  Thankfully, there are other methods of door-to-door advertising: leaving a flyer or door-hanger.  Co-operative advertising is a variety of diverse businesses targeting the same neighbourhood and sharing the advertising space on a door hanger.  mmLoadMenus(); Door hangers can be informative or advertising in nature.  It's basically a marketing material, where you hook the door hanger onto the door knob of a door advertising your product or service.  Think of the promotional possibilities that door hanger advertising can afford a local bar or restaurant.  The potential benefits of door hanger printing and door hanger advertising cannot be understated.  The memo board door hanger is a visible and creative advertising medium.  That's not hard to understand

 door hangers are just such a handy way to leave your advertising message.  How it works    Advertising messages are printed on door hangers, similar to the type used on "do not disturb" signs in hotels. 

  Related terms include jlm advertising, billboard advertising best cities, door hanger advertising, stainless steel back splash, and reagon outdoor advertising.  terms door hanger advertising, jlm advertising, reagon outdoor advertising, billboard advertising best cities, and stainless steel back splash.  Other realted phrases are jlm advertising, reagon outdoor advertising, stainless steel back splash, billboard advertising best cities, and door hanger advertising.

 Other related phrases are billboard advertising best cities, reagon outdoor advertising, door hanger advertising, jlm advertising, and stainless steel back splash.  Other related terms are jlm advertising, reagon outdoor advertising, door hanger advertising, stainless steel back splash, and billboard advertising best cities. 


Adnetwork Affiliate Program

3 "No Sweat" Tactics That Ban Customer Buying Objections

There are a lot of excuses floating around about why people don't buy.  Maybe you've heard some of them:  it's too expensive, it's not at the top of my "must have" list right now, or even when a deals too good to be true... it's too good to be true.  Customer objections are more easily overcome than you might imagine.  Let's take a look at 3 simple ways to wipe out those objections.

1.  It's Too Expensive.
Don't be fooled!  Most of your customers can get the money to buy the product... it's not a matter of having enough.  Let's face it... what they're really saying is that they can get a better deal somewhere else, or a deal that gives them a better value for their buck.

Now, don't give in to the temptation to drop your prices to "rock bottom" just because you hear them say it's too expensive.  There are ways to wipe out these objections without wiping out your profits!

Make it look like a better deal.  I mean, take a really good look at your product.  How can you increase the perceived value?  Maybe you can add a manual, a CD, or a downloadable book full of information about the product.  Let them think they are getting more for their buck, and the deal seems a lot sweeter to them.

Think about this... we all expect to pay more when we visit a specialist.  Sure, Wal-Mart is great if we're looking for a generic product, but when we want something from someone who knows what they're talking about we head for a market "specialist"... and expect to pay a little more as part of the deal.

How can you become a specialist who demands respect, and can get away with slightly higher prices?

"    Find niches within your market to address.  Hey, if you look closesly you'll discover groups within your market that stand out... businessness men and women, young mothers, retirees, etc. 

"    Dig in, do a little research and figure out exactly how your product relates to the special needs of these niche groups.

"    Speak to them as someone in the know.  Revise your sales materials to address the specific needs of each group.  Let them know you understand what they want  and need, and watch your profits skyrocket.

2.  I Have More Important Things To Get Right Now.
Yeah, buying now doesn't seem too important until... the deal's too sweet to pass up, and you have to get it today to get the deal.

What I'm talking about is banning the option of procrastination.  Really what your customer is saying is ... I have no reason to buy today.  Make the deal irresistible, and put a deadline on it.  It'll spur them into making the purchase a priority, NOW.

3.  I'm Skeptical... It's Too Good To Be True.
Most customers have been burnt by deals that seem too good to be true... they ended up costing more than they were worth.  The only way you'll ever overcome the skepticism is to build a relationship of trust. 

Unconditional money back guarantees eliminate the risk of loss, and show the customer that you are truly concerned with their satisfaction.

Let testimonials speak for you.  Evidence that you've delivered and gained customer satisfaction in the past goes a long way toward banning customer fears.

Be available.  Customers feel like everything is okay if they can pick up the phone or send an email and get quick answers to their questions. 

It really doesn't take a lot of rocket science to get through the shell of hard core customers.  These 3 tips will get you off to a good start.

Advertising Balloons – Pretty And Effective

There was a time when balloons were nothing more than kid’s toys but now they are used for so many different things. One of the most popular uses of balloons is for advertising. Advertising balloons are popular for so many reasons but the most important one is that people notice them. There is something about a balloon that is fascinating to adults and children alike. We all find out eyes drawn to these colorful floating things and we always want to see what they say on them.

Advertising balloons are pretty and they are effective. They also come in many different sizes. Some advertising balloons are gigantic and are as big as a small plane while others are tiny. Some balloons float while others hand from different things, things like walls or poles or flags, anything really.

These days the most popular kinds of advertising balloons are those shaped like different characters. You will see some shaped like giant gorillas or certain cartoon chartacters like Bart Simpson or Mickey Mouse. These are popular and they catch the eye as you drive down the road, some can even be seen from miles and miles away, they are colorful and fantastic.

The vast majority of advertising balloons are filled with helium gas so as to float in air with one end tied to the support that does not allow it to wander away. One good quality about advertising balloons is that they do not burst as they are not made from flimsy material. They have thick skins that keep them from getting poked and exploded by birds.

Though advertising balloons are dying out when compared to other neat things like laser beams that are used these days, they are certainly not going to leave the market anytime soon. Next time when you see a advertising balloon floating in mid air just think what it took to come with to come with simple yet such a brilliant method of advertising.

3 Elements That Make Your Ad Successful

When was the last time you bought a car?  Did you really NEED a car?  I mean REALLY need a car?  Chances are the one you were driving was still running when you bought the car you have now.  Yep, Americans rarely buy because they need... they buy because they want to experience the feeling that comes with buying.

We enjoy new purchases.  Sure, we can convince ourselves that we really needed a new one, but if we're totally honest we'll have to admit that would could've got by without it.  What does this mean to your advertising campaign?

1.  State The Benefits Of Your Product or Service
 Capitalize on the ways a customer will improve his lifestyle by making the purchase.  Will he increase his own business profits by 50 percent?  Say so in the opening statement of your sales letter, or at the top of your Web page.

Don't obsess with the features of the product itself or your credibility.  Frankly, customers could care less.  Let's face it... they're a bit selfish when it comes to dishing out their hard earned money.  All they want to know is what's in it for them.

2.  Paint Word Picture That Let Them Experience the Benefits
"Wake up tomorrow, with no boss!  You can spend the day with your family or on the golf course... there's nobody to tell you what to do."

A Multi Level Marketer may want his audience to feel the freedom of having no one to answer to if they become successful in the business.  He'll dramatize that desire, and put the listener in the seat to inspire it to take hold until the listener is ready to sign up and get started.

3.  Inspire Immediate Action
Hey, let's face it... the longer a customer lolly gags, the greater the chances he'll never take the plunge.  Don't let him off the hook that easily! 

Set a deadline.  Put on the pressure to buy now, or miss out on the deal.  Chances are pretty good that the procrastinator will get with it just to save a few bucks.

What about your sales materials?  Have you taken a good look at the things you are advertising?  Make sure you are focused on the benefits the consumer will experience from the purchase, and not on the features of the product or service.

Earn some extra cash with advertising
Spread the word about Worldcenter Advertising Network and earn money, we pay 10% for every campaign income that you generate! Publisher earn 50% of the advertising income generated. http://admarket.sale/?rid=4

Advertising Balloon With Helium – Laugh It Up

I really am a throw back.  In this day and age of Washington Concensus minded, self-persevering valued folks, I’m just an old fashioned egalitarian.  This doesn’t mean that I think we should all sew up some Mao-style unisex suits and eat from cans labeled in black in white.  It just means that I don’t think that the playing field is level and it needs to be and then measures need to be enacted to maintain equal opportunity.  Well it means some other things too, but that’s neither her nor there for this little chat.  In the end, my support for equality comes down to equal opportunity and respect.  And that’s how I try to approach people today.

I feel that everyone has something positive to share with me and the world and I try to approach all in this manner until proven otherwise.  I have spent time with some wonderfully intelligent and caring wealthy people and I certainly have ample experiences of sharing time with those less fortunate that have taught me much about life with their wisdom, patience and sense of humor.

This is why I like balloons.  I feel like their the egalitarian activist in the world of toys and advertising.  So many other toys and advertising gimmicks typically associate themselves with one segment of society or another.  This is not the case with balloons. 

Although balloons boast an incredibly low and anachronistic price, both rich and poor kids want them at their party.  Middle school kids still let off balloons to carry messages of goodwill to its unknown recipient.  Even Colombian mules count on balloons as an integral part of their import/export businesses.

So, if you truly believe in equality, put your money where your mouth is and drop socially stratifying toys like PlayStation or Homies and get yourself some balloons.  Let’s play and advertise in solidarity.  Land, Liberty, Balloons!

Advertising and Promoting Using Articles

A very efficient method to advertise your professional services, the products you are selling or simply to show how educated you are in a particular niche is by using the highly beneficial method of article marketing.

These articles that enclose at the end a short presentation of you or your business can be about various solution to actual problems, about everyday life or any other topic that will interest and inform a reader about the subject. There are many sites to which you can submit these articles to, or if you have a database of your customers’ emails, just drop them an email containing the article and a link to your personal site or professional site. Over time, it is hoped that your article will be syndicated on websites throughout the internet.

The articles can generally be copied from one article submission site to the other as long as the content belongs to you and you are not stealing someone else’s work. There is a huge demand for content on the internet, it's what keeps the search engines hungry, and with so many website owners and ezine publishers regularly looking for fresh content, chances are that your article will not only be used on article directories but also on several other sites.

The more interesting and informative an article is, the more people will read and remember it. Even if you don’t have experience with writing, there are some benefits that may persuade you to give it a try:

-    It may improve the way you convey your thoughts on a subject.
-    It will bring your website visibility.
-    If it’s written well it will may help someone.
-    You can prove your knowledge in your professional areas.

Publishing articles means they have to contain mostly useful information and just a little bit of advertising. If they don’t follow this rule, you might end up with an un-publishable article. The promotion area of the article is usually meant for the end of that article, known as the "resource box". As an article directory owner myself, I know that there are many authors who insist on placing links to their website throughout the article, but I would suggest that having an informative article with the links to "futher information" in the resource box is a much clearer and better structured approach.

Articles are meant to inform the reader of a particular subject, and not merely persuade the reader to visit your site with every paragraph written. In fact, should you have a good enough article, the reader will more than likely choose to visit the site in your resource box in any case. I recently received an article that contained 11 links in a 200-word article! This DID NOT include the resource box where a further 4 links were provided. Needless to say the article was rejected, so make sure your articles are interesting and informative with promotion left to the appropriate section.

There are other things you could do with articles if you are willing to spend some money. There are different publicity sites, ranked high in search engines that for a fee will publish your article on their site for a limited period of time. The fee is not high usually, but can provide publicity should you choose this route. But if this choice is the one that appeals to you the most, you must make sure the article is really good, so good that it can compete with all the other articles on that site. The user can see them all at the same time and you must think of ways to make him choose to read yours. If you have tried and you are not confident you can do it on your own, you can always hire a professional.

2 Sure-Fire Methods Proven To Convert More Customers

If you're a marketer your number one concern is customers.  You've probably read and heard a million and one ideas about how to build relationships, retain customers, create a list of potential customers, and inspire consmer loyalty.  But the tough question is, "How do I convert prospects into customers?" 

There are a lot of people out there who see your ads, think about them, and maybe even say, "I ought to..."  They're just waiting to be convinced to to do something about it.  There is something you can do to get them moving!

1.  Improve Your Offer
No on can pass up the deal that's "too good to resist."  Think about it... how often do your customers want your product, but just want something else a little more?  That leaves you with a long list of "almost sales" that have the potential to be converted into real sales and profit.  Sweeten the deal.  Make the offer so good they can't resist it.

Now, I'm in no way suggesting that you drop your prices to sweeten the deal.  You can just as easily load it up with bonuses to increase the perceived value without cutting away at your profit.  Bonuses motivate sales, maybe even more than cut prices.

Don't let them lollygag.  Yeah, get them into the store pronto with a deadline.  They may have to put a competitors purchase on hold to get your deal, but hey... what's wrong with that?

2.  Follow Up
How would you like to increase your sales by more than 50 percent?  Yeah, it sounds good!  There's really a very simple tactic that you can implement... follow ups.

Chances are, prospective customers aren't going to buy your product the first time they see or hear about it.  Maybe it'll be the third or fourth, but they have to hear from you that third or fourth time before they actually become a customer.  Do you have a follow up system in place?

Simply contact the "almost customer" every month with a new offer, or give them more information about the product they are showing interest in.  It doesn't have to be an intricate process.  Keeping the contact there goes a long way toward building trust... the key to finding life-long customers.

Internet Marketers experience a high number of customers who browse their site, then click away.  You can't follow up without some form of contact information.  A great way to gather the info you need is to offer a free ebook or informative report that consumers will find of interest.  Once they've given you the information to email them the product, you have what you need to keep in contact, and work on converting them into loyal customers.

Personalize as much as possible.  If you can get the firstname of your customer... great!  Personalized messages have greater appeal than "addressed to occupant" messages.

 Buy Quality Targeted Website Traffic  - Desktop & Mobile

2 Little Words That Work Marketing Magic

In his classic best-seller, <I>How To Win Friends And Influence People,</I> Dale Carnegie's second chapter is entitled The Big Secret of Dealing With People. The secret is summed up in this principle: Give honest and sincere appreciation.

Carnegie said there is only one way to get anybody to do anything -- by making the person want to do it. How can you encourage customers to say good things about you and give you referrals? By giving them what they and all human beings crave: honest and sincere appreciation.

<B>The Two Magic Words</B>

The big secret of dealing with people (or customers) is often overlooked or forgotten. It's simply saying "thank you" consistently, personally and, above all, sincerely. These two words work marketing magic because customers want to feel important.

Saying "thank you" is an act of kindness, besides. But don't say "thank you" for the sake of flattery. It must be sincere. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "You can never say anything but what you are."

<B>"Thank You" Promotes Referrals</B>

The uncertainty of referrals can be disconcerting. Can you control them? No. Can you influence them? Absolutely.

First you must provide a valuable product or service for customers. (You're already doing this, right?) But perhaps you can make an even bigger difference in their minds by your continued interest after you've delivered the product or service.

Each customer has a different level of satisfaction with your products and services. However, all customers to whom you say "thank you" are satisfied that they're important to you. This can determine whether you'll continue a relationship with them and get referrals.

<B>"Thank You" as Direct Mail or E-mail</B>

If you've never used direct mail and are considering it, start a thank-you correspondence program. If you've used direct mail or e-mail but haven't sent thank-you letters or e-mails, start now.

The thank-you letter or e-mail to your customers is targeted (you know them, they know you), personal and effective. It's guaranteed to receive a positive response.

Furthermore, it's a pleasant surprise if it's snail mail. They see your envelope. They think, this must be something for me to review, to sign, or worse a bill. Surprise! They're appreciated; they're important. And you're the one telling them so.

Write a thank-you letter or e-mail at every opportunity. But don't send one with an invoice or other correspondence. Always send it separately.

<b>Writing the Thank-You Letter or E-mail</B>

The thought behind a thank-you letter or e-mail may seem simple, but writing one can be tricky. Here are 9 tips for writing a winning thank-you letter or e-mail:

1. <I>Keep it brief.</I> A half dozen lines (or fewer) are sufficient.

2. <I>Make it sincere.</I> This is crucial. If you aren't careful, it can sound awkward, even when you're trying to be sincere.

3. <I>Start with "thank you."</I> Dear Ms. Johnson (or first name, if appropriate): Thank you for ...

4. <I>Make the tone warm, but professional.</I> Be friendly, but keep it businesslike.

5. <I>Reinforce a positive.</I> Jog their memory of a positive aspect of the relationship.

6. <I>Offer your continued support.</I> If I can help, please call ...

7. <I>End with "thank you."</I> Thanks again for ...

8. <I>Use an appropriate closing.</I> Sincerely, Best regards.

9. <I>No ulterior motive.</I> Make it a pure "thank you," otherwise sincerity is jeopardized.

Remember: Saying "thank you" is part of building strong customer relationships over time. Use these two magic words consistently and watch your repeat business and referrals grow.

(c) 2005 Neil Sagebiel

“How To” Start Trading The Forex Market? (Part 6)


Forex Price Charts, what DO they mean and HOW to use them?

Important numerous facts as discipline, trading rules, not being greedy etc., but one of the most important things is:

LEARN to read the charts as Charts represent the lifeblood of the market.

I admit that reading charts, and interpreting patterns, are more an art than a skill. Base and apply your entry and exit decisions on YOUR OWN combined methods of technical and fundamental analysis.

FOREX charts, are easier to interpret and to use. They reflect a slower moving, stable economy of a country, compared to the stock market, with its daily drama of company reports, Wall Street Analysts and shareholder demands.

Unlike stocks, currency charts do not spend much time in trading ranges and have the tendency to develop strong trends. Furthermore, Forex with its 4 Mayor currencies is easier to analyze than tens of thousands of stocks.

(Mayor currencies are: USD/JPY, EUR/USD, GBP/USD and USD/CHF)

The complimentary FREE live charting software, with the ultimate cutting edge technology provided by http://www.fenixcapitalmanagement.com/ , will be absolutely sufficient for you to analyze and watch any one currency pair. Understanding just a few basic points about the technical analysis of currency chart can lead to increased profit potential.

Pricing - Price reflects the perceptions and action taken by the market participants. It is the dealing between buyers and sellers in the Over-The-Counter (OTC) or “interbank” market that creates price movement. Therefore, all fundamental factors are quickly discounted in price. By studying the price charts, you are indirectly seeing the fundamental and market psychology all at once , after all the market is fed by two emotions - Greed and Fear – and once you understand that, then you begin to understand the psychology of the market and how it relates to the chart patterns.

Data Window Chart – FCM and most online charting stations, when you click on a price bar or candlestick, it will display a small box of data usually called a display window which will contain the following items:

H = Highest Price
L = Lowest Price
O = Opening Price
C = Close Price (or Last Price)

The most common types of price bars, used in FOREX trading, are the Bar Chart and the Candlestick chart:

Bars Charts -

Price bars are a linear representation (a line) of a period of time. This enables the viewer to see a graphic representation summarizing the activity of a specific time frame. As an example, I use 10 minutes, 60 minutes and daily time interval for my systems. Each bar has similar characteristics and tells the viewer several important pieces of information.

First, the highest point of the bar represents the highest price that was achieved during that time period. The lowest point of the bar represents the lowest price during the same period. Regular bars display a small dot on the left side of the bar which represents the opening price of the period and the small dot on the right side represents the closing price of the period.

Candlesticks - Japanese Candlesticks, or simply Candlesticks as they are now known, are used to represent the same information as Price bars. The only difference is that the difference between the open and close form the body of a box which is displayed with a color inside. A red color means that the close was lower than the open, and the blue color represents that the close was higher than the open.

If the box has a line going up from the box it represents the high and is called the wick. If the box has a line going down from the box, it represents the low and is called the tail.

Many interpretations can be made from these "candlesticks" and many books have been written on the art of interpreting these bars.

Chart Intervals & Time Frames:

A chart Time Scale & Period, or time frame, basically refers to the duration of time that passes between the OPEN and the CLOSE of a bar or candlestick.

For instance, with your broker software, you will be able to view a currency pair, in a 1-hour time frame over a 2-day period, 5-day period, 10-day period, 20-day period and 30- day period.

Most of the short-term time intervals (5-min and 1-min charts) are used for entry and exit points and the longer- term time intervals (1-hour and daily charts) are used to see where the general trend is.

$100 Per Day With Adsense - Possible ?

These are proven techniques for making Google AdSense, which will work on most blogs and websites. There is no secret system, you just have to think smart and put the time and effort into making things happen. Don't start out on the Google AdSense path and think you are instantly going to be making 1000's of dollars a week. It isn't going to happen.

The most important step to making money from Google AdSense is to increase the volume of traffic to your blog or website. Simple ways of doing this is by distributing your articles to ezine lists, article announcement lists, blog carnivals, social bookmarks sites and yahoo groups. For this to work you need to write at least one new article a day, which needs to be of a good quality and interesting.

Create the ad units so that they blend in with your blog. You will need to go into your Google AdSense control panel and enter the hex colour codes from your website or blog. Make sure the text colour; background colour, and link colours all match your blog.

Don't use borders around the ad unit boxes. Again, you want the boxes to blend, you will have to colour code the borders to match the background so that they become invisible.

Find profitable niche markets, it is important not to choose markets where the cost per click is too low to make it worth your while. I suggest that you do some keyword research and find out roughly what the cost per click is in Ad Words. Usually this will be a good indication as to whether this will be successful.

Keywords are of great importance, you have to make sure that your content is not overstuffed with particular keywords to the point of destroying readability and value. What you need to do is master the art of making sure your articles make liberal use of on-topic keywords, which are likely to generate the most relevant ads. Experts maintain that using keywords with your titles and H1 tags is any excellent way to assist in getting the most relevant possible adds

Earn some extra cash with advertising
Spread the word about Worldcenter Advertising Network and earn money, we pay 10% for every campaign income that you generate! Publisher earn 50% of the advertising income generated. http://admarket.sale/?rid=4

Advertising and Internet: a Long term relationship

Entrepreneurs these days work hard to take their business to the next level. Now, they are frequently using Internet as an important medium for advertising. To create brand awareness and to reach universal markets, online advertising is now excessively used. In India alone, over 41,000 advertisers have advertised on Internet, which means around 46 million advertisers. This makes India a sizeable target market for Internet advertisers.

Due to rise in competition, online advertisement agency or online advertising companies are hired. They help in promotion and well planned advertising. This also proves that advertising is the major part of promotional blend and also is crucial for achieving success. It is always a good idea to start the advertising campaign with best planning and proper coordination of advertising agency and advertising company.

It is acknowledgeable that online advertising is valuable since it reaches out more and is best for the advertisers. Any person of any social segment can view online advertisements. Another main positive feature of online advertising is that this type of advertising is not restricted by time zones or geographical boundaries.

To create an impact on potential customer and to ensure good returns, advertisers don’t hesitate on ad spends. They are assured that returns would be considerably good. A successful advertising campaign becomes obvious only when ads are placed right and are targeted perfectly.

The many search engines on Internet have drawn attention towards advertising through information technology. This helps common buyer also deeply as a person always tries to find out more about the product before buying the needful product of service.

If a person wants to go for banner advertising, then a lot of aspects those have to be managed intentionally. A professional Internet advertising agency or an Internet advertising company can be appointed for it.

Internet advertising comes under new media. Online advertising or Internet advertising is a whole new world of potential. It is not just cheaper but a very fast medium also. Youngsters spend a lot of time online; therefore to get money, tricks like ‘click through’ on advertisements are uses. In some collages, companies give free Internet access. For any company; youngsters are a major market, therefore most feasible to create brand familiarity. For this purpose companies provide free games, chat rooms, free downloads, etc. By doing this, the advertiser tends to create a positive notion for the product in youngsters mind.

Advertising Agency Software: What You Need to Know

There are many different types of software that an advertising agency needs to conduct business efficiently. Here are some examples of tasks that can be supported by software that is currently available to agencies:

•    Create estimates and quotes, invoices and schedules for client approval
•    Prepare drafts of a new brochure, print ad, or annual report for review
•    Manage client feedback on direct mail materials
•    Track key project milestone dates
•    Prepare and review media plans
•    Prepare a storyboard presentation for a client
•    Prepare market research
•    Schedule project tasks
•    Review rough cuts
•    Create project timelines
•    Manage external client and prospect requests
•    Schedule media
•    Time tracking
•    Track expenses against estimates
•    Plan and analyze resources usage
•    Accounting and bookkeeping

To meet these needs, an advertising agency should consider the following:

Graphic Design Software – The agency will need a creative design Application Suite like Macromedia Design Suite or
Adobe Creative Suite to do the basic graphic design, storyboarding and other more creative aspects of producing
advertising material.

Audio and Video Editing Software – If they do the mockups of their radio and television commercials in-house they will need to be able to edit them for client review before they turn everything over to the actual production company that produces the final versions.

Office Applications - Most companies use Microsoft Office for word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software since it has become the standard for businesses.

Contact Manager – The agency needs a good contact manager to keep track of all of their client information. Larger agencies may want to opt for a sophisticated customer relations management (CRM) system instead.

Email Client – An agency needs a good email client. Although there are a lot of good email clients available, Outlook is the business standard and has scheduling capabilities for meetings, distribution lists, public folders, the ability to flag all correspondence from specific individual clients and basic content management capabilities.

Project management, Time & Expense Tracking Software – because they work on individual projects, an agency needs software that can track all of the costs associated with each project. The software should be able to track employee time with the ability to use split rates and multiple rates, raw materials, outsourced invoices, etc.

Accounting Software – They need standard accounting software that provides invoicing, accounts receivable, accounts payable and general ledger functions. Larger agencies may need the software to handle multiple currencies and tax codes.

New Possibilities

With the advent of extranets, special software suites have been developed specifically for advertising agencies. They include programs that can provide contact management, time & expense tracking, project management, scheduling and email management. Some of the applications can even interface directly with the firm’s accounting software.

Another innovation is the client service extranet. They have replaced email as the favored forum for sharing and organizing the vast number of documents that are part of all client/agency relationships.

Using an extranet allows all employees, vendors, suppliers, clients and others on the project team to have real time access to all of the pertinent project details from anywhere in the world. Best of all, an extranet makes it possible to share the design documents, audio and video clips with the project online in real time. No more waiting for courier delivery or a face-to-face meeting providing better customer service than ever before possible.

Advertising platform

Advertising: Relationships vs Business Decisions

Successful businesses know the importance of building and maintaining good working relationships, whether it is with partners, employees, business or trade organizations, the government, media representatives, vendors, consumers, or the community at large.  A business must carefully balance the benefits of these interpersonal relationships and should never allow these relationships to blind their judgment especially when it relates to what is in the best interest of the business's continued success and growth

Buying advertising media based on interpersonal relationships is a common mistake made by many small businesses.  This strategy throws the business's strategic marketing plan into the winds of chance in exchange for the warm and fuzzy feelings that come with doing business among friends.  However, when the smoke clears the business has made costly advertising expenditures with little or no results and the long term negative effects may not readily be seen.  Simply, the marketing / advertising expenditures have been made, the budget may or may not be busted, and the results may be none to little measurable penetration into the business's target demographic market segment.

Is buying media from a friend in the business always bad?  No, however in order to choose the most effective media channels a business must first consider the audience or customer it is trying to reach.  Developing a strong sense of the target demographics' buying and shopping patterns, interests and hobbies, entertainment and media choices for example will lend itself a tremendous benefit to making informed media buying choices.  Once the advertising business has developed a strong sense of what media channels may prove to be the most effective it should try each a little at a time carefully tracking the results of each.  Once this is complete the business will be able to make an educated decision on where to invest its marketing dollars, prioritizing expenditures into the mediums that have proven results for the business.

It is true that strong interpersonal relationships skills and the ability to develop and maintain good working relationships with a variety of people, businesses, and other organizations are imperative in today's business environments.  However, the importance of a well designed and implemented strategic marketing plan can not be understated and is paramount to the business's development and longevity never taking second seat to friendship.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Advertising: Laying Your Cards on the Table

Successful marketing is not really measured in how many customers you were able to sell today. To be really able to say that you have a great marketing strategy is to be able to know that your customers were happy and satisfied with their purchase and that they were able to get their money’s worth.

There was a time in history when advertising was overstated. This was during the time when advertising was still new and only few people were aware of it. All business owners have to do is make up some claims and hopefully many people will be attracted to buy their products. But today, this strategy doesn’t work anymore. People are much wiser these days when buying products and availing of services. They know that when a certain marketing material is exaggerated it has hidden flaws and faults. Competition is also stiff that is why business owners would rather put sincere advertising in their materials than risk losing their customers and their business. 

So when businesses need to promote something these days they make sure that it contains good content, design and of course honest advertising. Customers are fussier these days. They make sure that they get their dollar’s worth for whatever product they buy. So let’s say you want to advertise your new products through posters. It is important to not only put a lot of attention to the design but to the content as well. What you put in your poster will reflect not only your business and product but who you really are. If you are able to convey a sincere and professional impression to your target customers then they might continue buying your products and even refer you to their friends and colleagues.

In addition to honesty in your contents, you can also add humor to it. People never fail to recognize a good laugh when they see one. It is always pleasing for people to read funny and lighthearted materials. Consequently, they would never look at your poster as an advertisement; rather they would be encouraged to see what is it that you have to offer.

Remember that your business image is priceless so you have to maintain and preserve it at all times. And keep in mind that the success of your business will most likely depend on how you project your image to your prospects. So be very careful in what you write in your advertisements. Write and edit them with utmost regard for honesty, bluntness and common sense.

Earn some extra cash with advertising
Spread the word about Worldcenter Advertising Network and earn money, we pay 10% for every campaign income that you generate! Publisher earn 50% of the advertising income generated. http://admarket.sale/?rid=4

Advertising - Are You Wasting Your Money?

Anybody who has a product to sell, an idea to promote or a service to offer relies on advertising to get the attention they require.

There are so many forms of advertising that finding the correct medium can sometimes be a daunting task.

Depending on the type of business, or the reason for your need for promotion you may find it easier to seek some professional advice.

Firstly you need to decide who your target market is, whether it is men or woman, older generation, younger generation, companies etc.

Secondly you need to ascertain whether your market is local, national or global. This is important, as leaflet dropping in your local supermarket car park is fine if your product or service is a local one, but if your services can be offered world wide or nationally, then you are seriously losing out on the largest percentage of your market.

Once you know who you are planning to target, and where they are, you can begin to research the how, which are the options you have available.

There is an absolute ton of free information on the internet, and if you are reading this, you must have access to it!

If you have a low budget, try doing the advertising yourself, you can knock up some great leaflets from your own pc, (providing your market is local).

Making a website has become a lot easier over the years, and if you shop around you can get some great prices on hosting packages and domain names. Try downloading a free html editor, preferably with a wysiwyg platform, (what you see is what you get), there is a wealth of information on the internet to guide you through making a simple website.

If you have a bigger budget, then consulting with one of the many advertising companies is an option. These people can advise you, and come up with some fantastic ideas, but be sure to shop around and not just go with the first company you come across. Prices will vary, and their expertise will vary also, so it’s an idea to ask to see some references, or some of their projects with other clients that they have worked on.

Done correctly, and with proper research, advertising will reap rewards. It is after all one of the most important factors in any business. So I personally, would always recommend that you give this area the attention it deserves!

Earn some extra cash with advertising
Spread the word about Worldcenter Advertising Network and earn money, we pay 10% for every campaign income that you generate! Publisher earn 50% of the advertising income generated. http://admarket.sale/?rid=4

Advertisers Embrace 'Rich Media' Format

From ads that dance or sing to MTV-like commercials, online advertisers are now using a new type of technology called "rich media" to attract consumers.

U.S. Internet advertising revenue will have reached about $12 billion last year, up $3 billion from 2004. Of this, advertisers spent about $1 billion on rich media, up from $800 million in 2003, according to the Interactive Advertising Bureau.

So what exactly is rich media? By definition, it is an online advertising technique that combines graphics with audio technologies, giving Internet users an interactive experience.

And with more than half of American households connected online and using high-speed connections like broadband and DSL, it means a potentially lucrative way for online advertisers to get consumers' attention.

One company taking online advertising to a different level is Centale Inc. (OTCBB: CNTL), based in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. The online marketing and technology firm offers cutting-edge technology solutions to its clients.

Centale's premier application, the Catalyst EV, is a software platform that allows companies to communicate directly to the desktop of their audience in rich media format.

The software also functions independent of e-mail. To date, studies have shown that e-mail campaigns may be decreasing in effectiveness because as the amount of e-mail increases, the likelihood of success of the solicitation or advertisement tends to decrease.

One reason that advertisers are embracing rich media is that it typically entertains and is compelling enough to capture the interest of consumers. It also allows a user a modicum of control by either stopping the ad entirely, or participating in it and clicking through to an advertiser's Web site to get more information.

While rich media may not endear advertising to online consumers, most users are finding it less intrusive than traditional pop-up, banner and text-based ads. Centale says there is a favorable market for its product, as the industry shifts away from traditional advertising such as print and radio in favor of online advertising.

Earn some extra cash with advertising
Spread the word about Worldcenter Advertising Network and earn money, we pay 10% for every campaign income that you generate! Publisher earn 50% of the advertising income generated. http://admarket.sale/?rid=4

Advertise to millions -#6- Multiple marketing techniques.


This is a series of articles about marketing and advertising. There are different ways you can reach an audience of millions of individuals all around the world. I show you on this series how to implement profitable strategies in your marketing career.

It has been said that &#8220;what matters is not what you sell but how you promote it.&#8221; So, the secret to success lays within your marketing techniques.  That&#8217;s why it is very important for business owners to develop skills which allow them to increase the sales of their products.

One of the most important skills you must have is the ability to reach a lot of people quickly. To do this you need to realize how powerful media is an how it can drastically increase your revenues.

&#8211; Newspaper ads &#8211;

Americans read their newspapers a lot, that&#8217;s a fact. Check the statistics and you will realize that the newspaper have always being a good place to advertise. Depending on the kind of products or services that you sell you could use the American&#8217;s newspapers to generate new sources of income for your business.

It doesn&#8217;t matter whether you live in the USA or not. For example if you own an international e-business this could bring you good profits. I think this is another way you can diversify your marketing strategies.       

There is a website called Nationwide Newspapers http://www.nationwideadvertising.com/, which allow you to post your ad in thousands and even millions of papers all around the country for a low fee. Imagine how much publicity you can get from that! You choose your budget and everything. They have different advertising packages to suit different business needs.

Whatever you choose to market, always use powerful phrases in your messages. The most effective ads are brief but they have the ability to act upon the feelings of the readers. Motivate them, intrigue them, make them feel the heat. Always remember that short phrases with a strong emotional impact are the most effective ones.

&#8211; Highway billboards &#8211;

If you want to advertise outdoor some companies may help you with this project like for example http://www.billboard-ads.com/. Keep in mind that this is an expensive type of advertisement. To rent an ad space on a well populated area will usually cost you a few thousand dollars per month.

On the other hand, I think the best choice you have is to buy a piece of land in or near a mayor highway and set everything up by yourself. Learn about the laws and regulations in your specific state. Probably the most important agency you will have to contact is your state Department of Transportation.

Visit http://www.tdot.state.tn.us/links.htm to find your state agency. They can give you specific information about this subject. Basically you will have to fill out an application where you affirm that you own the land where the billboard will be placed and you will pay an annual fee which may range from $100 to $500 depending on the state you live. To have someone design and create the ad for you will cost you $1,000 to $3,000. That&#8217;s a one time fee you will pay.

How much publicity can you get from this? A lot! But it all depends on your ad&#8217;s location. If your ad is next to a highway with a high traffic volume, let&#8217;s say that on average 45,000 different drivers travels through said highway everyday, then there will be more than a million individuals watching it every month.

That&#8217;s a lot, but to be honest with you, this kind of advertisement works better for local businesses like nearby restaurants or real estate Companies than for other kinds of businesses. Also transnational corporations with a large advertising budget, which would like to build reputation would want to have many billboard ads across the nation.

Small business owners usually prefer to market their products using other less expensive techniques. Anyway, I included this information here because I thought some of you would like to read about it. After all this is another way you can reach a vast amount of individuals in an everyday basis.

&#8211; TV Commercials &#8211;

To advertise on television will have a powerful impact on your business revenues. Different factors will determine how much this marketing strategy will cost you. For example the price vary depending on the channels you choose, how often you will advertise, etc.

There are some Companies which can help you reach your clients easily. I think the two most popular are http://www.nationaltvspots.com/ and http://www.metromarkcorp.com/. In National TV Spots some marketing packages start as low as $26 for a 30 seconds spot. This is other way to diversify your marketing techniques.

&#8211; Magazine Ads &#8211;

You can advertise on magazines and save up to 80% off the regular price. There is a company called Media Bids - http://www.mediabids.com, which allow you to meet other marketers as well as to choose among different marketing packages available. The service is free. You only pay for an ad if you choose to make a purchase.

As you can see, these techniques can increase your exposure and help you get more clients. You can read about other effective marketing techniques from my other articles on this series.

EasyWebRiches © 2006

Earn some extra cash with advertising
Spread the word about Worldcenter Advertising Network and earn money, we pay 10% for every campaign income that you generate! Publisher earn 50% of the advertising income generated. http://admarket.sale/?rid=4

Advertise to millions -#1- Write articles


This is a series of articles about marketing and advertising. There are different ways you can reach an audience of millions of individuals all around the world. I show you on this series how to implement profitable strategies in your marketing career.

It has been said that &#8220;what matters is not what you sell but how you promote it.&#8221; So, the secret to success lays within your marketing techniques.  That&#8217;s why it is very important for business owners to develop skills which allow them to increase the sales of their products.

One of the most important skills you must have is the ability to reach a lot of people quickly. To do this you need to realize how powerful media is an how it can drastically increase your revenues.

&#8211; Write Articles &#8211;

Writing articles is one of the easiest and most effective methods used to advertise on the Internet today. This technique works as follows... You need to write a short one page or one and a half page article and submit it to article banks. Then web masters and online publishers will copy it and paste it on their web sites, newsletters, e-zines, etc.

At the bottom of each article you will attach a small biography about yourself which is called the author&#8217;s resource box. That will be your ad containing your contact info, which could be your name, phone number, e-mail address or web site URL.

Why and how does it work? It works because web masters, affiliates, online marketers and publishers need valuable content to attract visitors to their web sites. Then they go to article banks and borrow free content (the articles) from people like you who provide said content for free.
That way they profit from your efforts and you profit from theirs because when their visitors go to their web sites and read your article many of them will contact you when they read your ad at the bottom. So publishers get free content while you get free publicity. The middle guys are the article banks which also benefit from this activity. It is a win-win situation for everyone.

Now, I will explain how this technique can increase your exposure exponentially. Some of the web sites bellow have as many as 15,000 publishers per site. So let&#8217;s say that you submit to 10 sites and on average 500 publishers per site are interested in your article within approximately one month.

If that&#8217;s the case (which is probable), then your article will be published on about 5,000 different web sites (500 publishers × 10 article banks = 5,000 web pages). Do you understand what it means to have thousands of pages linking to you?

Let&#8217;s say that those 5,000 web sites receive on average 1000 visitors per month each. That would be 5,000,000 potential prospects that can now come across your products or services each and every month. To be realistic though, not all of the visitors will find your articles. Not all of the publishers will publish what you write. And this process doesn&#8217;t happen overnight. It takes some time.

On the other hand, this is one of the best methods if not the best one you can use to increase your exposure on the Internet. It is free, easy and doesn&#8217;t consume too much time. Ask any Online Marketing Guru and you will find out that they will have a similar opinion.

If you write a few articles and submit them to 10 of the best e-zines, you could be receiving thousands of new visitors per month within a few months. Keep in mind that the more you write and submit the more visitors you will receive. If you write just one article and submit it to one web site only, it won&#8217;t bring you many clients.

This is a numbers game. It is a Mathematical thing. I really like this technique because it makes my publicity grow exponentially. You make an effort once and it multiplies for many years into the future. You place your articles on a few web sites and they stay there forever.

New publishers find them every month. So it grows exponentially. It reproduces itself like a virus. This is what it is called viral marketing and it really works. You might need to have some patience because it may take some time before you start reaping the rewards from this activity, but it is really worth it! If you do this your articles will work for you as your sale agents announcing your products and services to the world.

For example, I wrote once three articles and submitted them to www.goarticles.com. Three days later I checked them out on that web site to see how they were doing. I was amazed to discover that one of the articles had been downloaded by 100 people already. How come? I had submitted it there only three days before.

That&#8217;s for you to have an idea how many people out there are desperately seeking fresh new content for their web sites. The other two had been downloaded about 40 to 50 times. Two weeks later my best performing article had been downloaded 197 times. Could you believe it? Try it an see the results for yourself.

This will definitely increase your exposure because you don&#8217;t only receive new visitors from the publishers&#8217; web sites but also your search engine rankings increase, which makes you receive more potential clients from search engines too.

If you don&#8217;t like to write then you can hire a ghost writer and have him/her write the articles for you. Go to www.getafreelancer.com and post a project on that web site. Freelancers will bid on your project and you will be able to choose the one that will work for you. One page articles may cost you from $10 to $20 each and can bring you many benefits as stated above.  

You can submit your articles to thousands of free article banks, but submitting them to about 15 or 20 will be OK. I think you should not skip the most popular ones, those with several thousands publishers like www.articlecity.com, www.goarticles.com, www.ezinearticles.com. Just make sure you read the authors&#8217; bylines first.

If you don&#8217;t want to do this manually you can join www.thephantomwriters.com. They claim to have a list of more than 12,000 publishers to which they submit your articles to periodically. The drawback of this technique is that they charge a fee, while the web sites mentioned above are free to join.

As you can see, this technique can increase your exposure and help you get more clients. You can read about other effective marketing techniques from my other articles on this series.

EasyWebRiches © 2006

Earn some extra cash with advertising
Spread the word about Worldcenter Advertising Network and earn money, we pay 10% for every campaign income that you generate! Publisher earn 50% of the advertising income generated. http://admarket.sale/?rid=4

Advertise, no matter if you are big or small

What is your attitude as a small town businessman when it comes to advertising or taking help of an advertising design agency to provide creative design solutions? I bet, more often than not it is on the lines of "What ever is left over, we'll use for advertising". Well, you are not alone. Most of the small town businessmen treat advertising as such, as they feel that they know most of their customers who will come back, advertising or not.

Fair enough, but what if you have a competitor within the town or even without in the form of E-commerce ensuring doorstep delivery and definitely much larger choice. You getting the point?

Competition or not, you always need to remind your customers that you are there and what value you bring to them. This way you not only ensure that loyal customers remain so, but you net new customers. Remember marketing and advertising is an investment, not an expense. Without enough money put aside for advertising your sales can go down and you suddenly have less and less for promotion. You advertise most when you need business. You advertise more when you don't.

A small-budget advertiser doesn't have the ''deep pockets" to develop big advertising campaigns or go for top shot advertising design agency. In this case you need to break the rules to be noticed. Avis did it by admitting they were "Number 2" in the car rental business and that campaign took them from 6th place to second place.

Now you must be wondering is there any sure shot way of advertising which not only is cost effective but has maximum impact. To be sure, there isn’t any readymade formula for bull’s eye hitting creative design solutions but this article proffers some tips to get this sort of marketing in place. Before we get to the tips let's look at the basic strategies of successful advertising.

* In order to be successful, your advertising must provide a consumer benefit or solve a problem.

* That benefit or solution must be wanted by the consumer.

* The product or service you are offering must be tied directly to that benefit or solution.

* The benefit or solution must be distinctly communicated through medial advertising. In other words, be clear, forget the advertising glitz and make sure the message isn't lost in the ad.

Average cost of advertising is usually 1 to 5% of gross sales, which can vary according to location, local advertising rates, and industry. Budget conscious advertisers must achieve top results for their advertising dollar. Expand your dollars by adopting some creative techniques.

<b>Some Tips</b>
* Place your ads in off hours or in unusual locations on discounted rates. This will help you in containing the cost. Many times you can still reach your target market with these spots.

* Instead of a one-time big splash ad, be consistent with frequent small ads that work to keep reminding your customers of your presence.

* Consider advertising in regional issues of national magazines. The costs are lower and you can reach your target market. TV Guide is also a good choice. It stays around for at least a week.

* Sponsor a community event if you can like a fun-run, golf tournament, or other event that will be well publicized in the community. Your name may not be prominently displayed but sometimes the positive exposure in the community will bring in new customers.

* Exploit the media you choose to the fullest. If your message is verbal, you don't need TV. Use radio, billboards and newspapers to the fullest.

* Consider direct mail. A letter and brochure before customer contact can increase business.

*Hire an advertising design agency which might not be top of the heap, but can get creative and specializes in interactive campaigns to provide you with creative design solutions.

I hope these tips will help your business grow. Not all may be relevant to your particular situation. Hopefully, they will illustrate the importance to plan and control your advertising budget.

Earn some extra cash with advertising
Spread the word about Worldcenter Advertising Network and earn money, we pay 10% for every campaign income that you generate! Publisher earn 50% of the advertising income generated. http://admarket.sale/?rid=4

A Beautiful Plan – Maintaining a Down Line with RFS

A large part of success in any Network Marketing venture is understanding and taking advantage of the companies compensation plan.  If the plan is garbage, you may be an expert marketer and still, you will have trouble making money with the company. Too often with network marketing companies you need to develop down lines of thousands of people before you start to see any real turnover.

RFS helps you stop worrying about where you will find thousands of people to convince to join you business by linking up with GRN (Global Resorts Network) and its accompanying compensation plan.  GRN combines a MLM type comp plan with a direct sales type comp plan.  It pays you big on the initial sale, one thousand dollars, but also rewards you for how deep you can grow you organization.

Your front line is totally devoted to you.  You make an addition one thousand dollar commission on every sale that anyone in your front line makes, minus the first person that makes a sale in your front line, they bump up to the guy who brought you in.  You make a thousand of the sale initially but not off any of the sales that this person will ever make.  Don’t worry, this is designed to help you.

Maybe you have fifteen people in your front line after the second month.  That is fifteen thousand dollars you made in the two months.  But now your front line has also been making sales and you pulled another ten thousand from eleven sales made by your front line.  All of the sales by different legs of your front line are people that could potentially become the equivalent of another person in your front line, if they make the first second line sale in that branch. 

This works way down the line, rolling people up to you so you can make a thousand off of each sale they make.  This makes educating, training, and motivating your down line very profitable as if can mean tens of thousands of dollars for you over and over again.

Maintain your down line, feed them your successes, teach them your ways.  Get them driving as much or more traffic than you, being in more forums, blogs, articles directories, co-reg lists, co-ops, key words, networking community personalities than you could ever possibly be in yourself and profit.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Advertise, Advertise, Advertise

Many people sign up for affiliate programs with the hopes of  making some serious money.  They advertise a few places and then wait for the money to start pouring in.  When it doesn’t, they blame it on the program and quit.

I am convinced the only way to make money online is to have a consistent Advertising plan.  A plan you are willing to work hard on and commit to for a selected period of time. When making this plan, you  need to do two things.   First, you should pick a few affiliate programs that are of interest to you.  Second,  you need to decide how long you want to work these programs.  Once you decide on a time period (I recommend 6 months to a year), you must make a promise to yourself that you will not stop advertising until that time period is up.  This is perhaps the most important factor in your success.

Next, you need to consider your advertising options: traffic exchanges, classified ads, e-mail campaigns, ezine articles, posting to forums or message boards, chatting with others who are interested in what you have to offer, and posting flyers around your town.  Now you see the many possible advertising avenues you can choose from.  I recommend doing all of them.  It may sound like a lot of work, but when broken down into a plan, it is not.

One possible plan may look like this:  Traffic Exchanges-1 hour per day.  Post 15 classified ads per day.  Make 5 posts to a message board or forum per day.  Submit an article once per week to an ezine.  Visit chat rooms and distribute flyers as you have extra time during the week.  This all can be accomplished  by spending 2-3 hours per day.  You will be surprised how much you get done when you have a plan.  You may also choose whether you will work 5 or 6 days per week.  Make a checklist for each day of the week, and mark each task off as you finish it.  That will keep you on focus, and will make you feel good that you are one step closer to reaching your goal.

Make a commitment  to your new plan and don’t get involved in any other programs until your current programs are making you money consistently.  Don’t give up.  Sticking with this plan will significantly improve your success.  Remember, Advertise, Advertise, Advertise.

Advantages of Buying Promotional Products Online

Buying your promotional products and corporate identity apparel online provides five major advantages: a greater selection, better pricing, convenience, customer service, and faster ordering time.

Factories often display their entire line of products on the web, providing you with a greater selection of products. With all of these factories on the web, you gain the opportunity to compare quality and pricing in a simple and easy online format, instead of wasting time browsing through endless catalogs that crowd your work center.

Better pricing is readily available on the web, but you have to dig and probe for it. Type in any promotional product related keywords into your favorite search engine and sift through the results until you find a promotional products company with discount pricing. A great trick is to choose an item and have several promotional product companies give you a quote, ALWAYS including any set up charges and freight. This will get you a true number to compare an exact total cost.

How do these online web companies afford to sell the exact same product for less than other distributors? Traditionally, promotional items are sold by a distributor who has a whole staff of outside sales people that will go to your business, show you tons samples, and baby sit you through the process of placing an order. These outside sales people are number one primary expense of an off-line distributor. Believe me this expense is then factored into the price of the promotional item you are purchasing, thus raising your total cost. By purchasing discount promotional products on the web, you can eliminate lining some salespersons pockets and reduce your purchase price by a considerable amount of money.

The Convenience comes with the ability of placing your entire order online. All successful web companies offer this service with encrypted order forms to secure your purchasing information. You may send your artwork via email. This is made easy with the online form. With online ordering you gain the convenience of placing your order anytime, twenty-four hours a day seven days a week.

A few of these online web companies also provide customer service departments with extended hours. They are set up to take your calls, handle your rush orders, and to answer your questions promptly. If you prefer to communicate through e-mail, this is a great way to document your order from start to finish. You can e-mail a question to your distributor, leave for a break, and have it answered by the time you return.

A much faster ordering time is the fifth major result of the online purchase. I have personally visited hundreds of clients. This obviously requires an appointment, which naturally must fit into both parties' schedules. An off-line salesperson is forced to interpret your needs prior to your meeting. Then bring what samples and catalogs they have on hand, but these may not meet your needs and thus your ordering time will be extended for a second meeting. If you have any questions about product availability, turn around time, or any other factory sensitive inquiries, the salesperson will have to return to his office in order to contact the factory, to get you your answers. When you order from an online web company, the customer service team is already in their office, so they can contact the factory with your questions and call you back immediately.

I have given you five great reasons to buy Imprinted products from an online discount promotional products company, but I must also remind you that there is always a trade off. Online promotional products companies work very hard to cut all possible costs and to pass this savings on to you. You will find that this results in a charge for samples and pre-payment requirements. The charge for promotional samples insures that the company will not give away products to non-customers, as this would considerably raise the real customers' costs. Paying in advance is very common among internet purchasing in general, and necessary for almost every online company to insure payment. Pre-payment is nothing to worry about. You still have the right to a quality product, and you gain an enormous savings.

Another Tip: When purchasing imprinted corporate apparel, select an online company that has in-house embroidery and screen printing facilities. It has been my experience that these companies will have much better control of expediting your orders, a better knowledge of branding, experience which allows them to better monitor quality control, and a much better capabilities to complete rush orders quicker.

Today you will find that many more successful businesses are now placing their promotional product and corporate apparel orders in the hands of these qualified discount online distributors. The advantages are numerous; convenience, speed, selection, accountability, service, and above all, savings.

AdsenseEmpire for you

Dear Friend,

Please pardon us if this letter doesn’t sound all slick and hyped-up—we’re not professional marketers, like many of the so-called gurus you see on late-night TV, or on the internet. In fact, you’ve probably never heard of us. That’s because we’re just a couple of real guys, like you. We’ve played around on the internet, noodling with sites, for years.

There’s just one out-of-the-ordinary thing about us: we're real guys who’ve stumbled onto an amazingly simple system for making BIG money online. Our system is so simple, in fact, that ANYONE can do it and it only takes a few hours a week! This isn’t rocket science—it’s something even high-school drop-outs can do!

Our system is safe, it's simple, and it's remarkably powerful. And yes, YOU can easily learn it.It’s not complicated! It’s called Google Adsense. If you learn to leverage the power of Google Adsense You could be down at your bank cashing a check for €3,000 €5,000, €10,000 -- or even more -- in 28 DAYS or LESS! Picture yourself standing at the teller’s window, handing her the check, and getting all those €100 bills counted out right into your hand. Feels good, doesn’t it?

Hey, we know it’s hard to believe you could make this kind of money working only a few hours a week. But it’s all true! Don’t take our word for it, listen to Rick, a 27-year-old guy who got laid off from his tech job and put Google Adsense system to the test and used it to create his own wealth and freedom.

Exciting isn’t it?

What could YOU do with €1,000, €2,000, €3,000 or MORE in extra money coming in like clockwork each and every month from using our system? Would you…

* Pay off that credit card balance that’s been hanging over your head?
* Buy that new sports car you’ve been wanting? You know the one!
* Upgrade the kitchen in your house, or buy a new whole new home?
* Finally take a real vacation—not just to a nearby city, but to the Caribbean?
* Get rid of your student loans?
* Help your mom, dad, siblings, or friends out financially?
* Donate to your favorite charity?
* Maybe even quit that job you hate and never have to sit in a cubicle again?!

Totally Amazing But True:
Google Will Send You Checks In The Mail Just For Using Their Adsense Program! You Can Create Killer Content That Draws Thousands Of Hits A Day To Your Site Using Simple Tools! Users Click On The Ads, You Get Checks. It’s That Easy!

By now you might be wondering, Yeah, sure, it sounds good but if this system of yours is such a money-maker, why are you taking time out from it to teach this course? Why aren’t you out there using your system to keep on making money?

That’s a perfectly valid question!

For me, it’s that I've always wanted to teach. The deep-down satisfaction I gets from mentoring others touches my heart in a truly special way. And, quite honestly, I've made enough money that I can easily afford to indulge this dream of teaching now. I don't like people to know this, but I keep a little shoebox on internet marketing on my desk with letters from my successful students, like Jack, and every week I reads them because they keep him going…and they make me smile.

And now, it’s time for you to stop dreaming and start forging your own reality of SUCCESS TODAY by using our brand new program:

Your Guide to Google Adsense Profits:
How You can Make a Fortune Online with Google Adsense!

This powerful training course contains everything you need to know  and I do mean EVERYTHING so you can start making dramatic profits from Google Adsense FAST!

You'll learn:

* How YOU can get Google to stream ads onto your website for free.
* How Google Adsense ads are specially selected to match your site’s topic.
* How YOU earn money every time a visitor to your site clicks on one of the ads.
* The difference between putting ads where they’ll be seen on your site and where they’ll be overlooked—would you believe it can make the difference in a click-through rate of 2.3% versus 40%???
* How YOU can get killer content for your site that you don’t have to write yourself!
 * How YOU can use a few simple tools to direct massive amounts of traffic to your site.
 * How YOU can automate your content, yet avoid being blacklisted by the major search engines for doing so.
 * The secrets of keyword-rich content—what it means, what it does, how to get it!
 * How YOU can figure out which keywords will bring you the most money!
* Plus, much, much more!

Finally--your big chance to learn from real people just like you who have been using these systems to make a fortune with Google Adsense!

Downsizing and layoffs have left thousands of tech-savvy people just like you without incomes or jobs. Don’t let it happen to you! Learn how a few simple, easy steps can help you

* Build your nest egg
* Get out of debt
* Give yourself the confidence to never worry about losing your job
* Become the captain of your own financial life!

Try and enjoy a new life


Covid-19 in Iran, and Isfahan

Iran on Monday start opening intercity and big super markets to motivate its sanctions-choked economy, gambling that it has brought under...